Import Attachments

You can import attachments for items, manufacturer parts, and change orders.

Migration of manufacturer attachments isn't supported either through import or REST web services.

Once your attachment files are available in Oracle WebCenter, you can associate them to objects using the FBDI template.
  1. In the item import template file (ItemImportTemplate.xlsm) use the EGP_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS_INTF tab to organize the data that maps the files in Oracle WebCenter to each item and revision.
  2. In addition to Transaction Type, Batch ID, Item Number, and Organization Code, also include the following information:
Column Type Description or Example
Revision Enter the revision where the file will be attached
Entity Type For revision-based attachments, select ITEM_REVISION
Batch Doc Name The name of the zip file that contains the attachment files
Attachment Category Example: Miscellaneous
File Type Name File, URL, or Text (select File to attach files)
File URL Text The name of the file inside the zip file. Example: IC_spec.doc
Title The title you want displayed on the attachments page. Typically, the same as the file name. Example: IC_spec.doc

To import attachments for Manufacturer Parts (MPNs), additionally enter the following data in the EGP_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS_INTF sheet.

Column Description or Example
Trading Partner Item Number The manufacturer part number
Trading Partner Number The Registry ID of the manufacturer