How You Generate Shipping Costs for Transfer Orders

The Generate Shipping Cost process generates shipping cost records for shipping costs tied to a transfer order shipment.

Settings That Affect Generating Shipping Costs for Transfer Orders

Shipping cost records are generated for all transfer orders.

How Shipping Costs for Transfer Orders Are Processed

The Generate Shipping Cost process has the following requirements:

  • Shipping costs at the shipment or container level are prorated down to the shipment line level so that summaries are provided by shipment line.

    Note: This applies to shipment header and container level charges only.
  • Prorating calculations are performed using the weight for the given shipment line.

    If no weight was entered for the lines being prorated, then the quantity is used to drive the prorating calculations.

    Note: This applies to shipment header and container level charges only.
  • For shipping costs at the line level, the full charge associated with the delivery line is passed onto Costing.

    Note: This applies to delivery line level charges only.
  • Records in the Shipping Costs table are summarized by shipment line and freight cost type.

  • Shipping costs cannot be changed for transfer orders or return transfer orders after the shipment has been confirmed and interfaced to Inventory.

  • Costs in the shipping cost table are picked up when the associated transfer order shipment inventory transaction is picked up by Costing.