Analyze Inventory Valuation

As you processes various transactions the inventory value keeps changing. The Review Inventory Valuation page helps you analyze and understand the inventoiry valuation at various levels like cost organization, inventory organization, subinventory and valuation unit.

To analyze the inventory valuation, complete the steps listed here. This redesigned page is available only if you opt-in for the Use Enhanced Period Inventory Valuation and Gross Margin Reporting feature.

  1. In the Cost Accounting work area, select Review Inventory Valuation from the task panel.

  2. On the Review Inventory Valuation page, query the inventory valuation by cost organization, cost book, period, and valuation structure type.

    You can query separately for the valuation structure types asset, consigned, and expense.

The inventory valuation information for the selected cost organization, cost book, and period displayed on the Review Inventory Valuation page is described in this table.



Inventory Value

The total inventory value for the selected period.

Prior Inventory Value

The total inventory value at the end of the prior period.

Period Activity

The difference in inventory value between the two periods.

Period Costed Value

The sum of all costed receipt and issue transactions for the selected period.

Period Accounted Value

The costed value that’s final accounted.

Last Summarized Date

The date and time when the cost reports processor was last run.

Last Cost Processor Run Date

The date and time when the cost processor was last run to create the cost accounting distributions.

The inventory valuation is further summarized by valuation unit, inventory organization, and subinventory. By default, the inventory valuation summary by valuation unit is displayed on the page. You can choose the other summarization options by selecting the appropriate value from the View By drop-down list.

When you set View By to Valuation Unit, the inventory valuation information for each valuation unit is displayed in the table on the Review Inventory Valuation page.

  • Inventory Value

  • Prior Inventory Value

  • Period Activity

  • Period Costed Value

  • Period Accounted Value

When you set View By to Inventory Organization, the inventory valuation information for each inventory organization is displayed in the table on the Review Inventory Valuation page. When you set View By to Subinventory, the inventory valuation information for each subinventory in each inventory organization is displayed in the table on the Review Inventory Valuation page. The information displayed for both these options are listed here:

  • Total Costed Value: Sum of all costed receipt and issue transactions from the first open period till the Last Summarized Date, if you're viewing the data for the current open period. If you are viewing the data for a past period then the transactions till the period end date are considered.

  • Prior Total Costed Value: Sum of all costed receipt and issue transactions from the first open period till the prior period end date.

  • Period Costed Value

  • Period Accounted Value

The summarized inventory valuation information can be exported to a spreadsheet by using the Export to Excel icon above the summary table.

To view the inventory value by item, you can click the Item Details in the summary table. The Inventory Value by Item page provides the inventory valuation information for each item along with quantity for the current period and at prior period end date. You can filter the information displayed on the page based on any of the columns. For example, you can filter the information based on value or quantity.

The UI also displays a warning icon wherever the Period Accounted Value is not same as the Period Costed Value. On the Inventory Value by Item page, when you click this warning icon, the Transaction Details dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists all the unaccounted transactions for the item and valuation unit and the transactions that are costed and accounted in different periods, if any.

  • Period inventory valuation and period layer inventory valuation can only be compared at the valuation unit level. The inventory control attribute level values from the period inventory valuation cannot be compared with the period layer inventory valuation because layer inventory valuation does not have summary at the subinventory level.