Example of Supply Chain Cost Rollup for Discrete Manufacturing

This example illustrates how the unit cost of an item in discrete manufacturing is calculated by the Roll up Costs process when using supply chain cost rollup.


Organization ZQD is manufacturing the item SC_FP01. To manufacture this item, you need various other items. The items, their sourcing rules, and quantities are listed in this table:

Item Organization Sourcing Rule Source Organization Allocation Quantity
SC_FP01 ZQD Make N/A 100% 1
SC_F1 ZQD Buy N/A 100% 10
SC_SubPhantom1 ZQD Make N/A 100% 5
SC_Ph1 ZQD Buy N/A 100% 25
SC_Ph2 ZQD Buy N/A 100% 25
SC_SubAsmb1 ZQD Transfer M1 100% 1

The item SC_SubAsmb1 in the above table is made in the organization M1. The corresponding sourcing rules are listed in this table:

Item Organization Sourcing Rule Source Organization Allocation Quantity
SC_SubAsmb1 M1 Make N/A 100% 1
SC_A1 M1 Buy N/A 100% 5
SC_A2 M1 Buy N/A 100% 5

As you can gather from the tables, the organization ZQD requires the items listed here to manufacture the finished item SC_FP01:

  • SC_F1 – ZQD buys this item and a standard or buy cost must be defined for this item.

  • SC_SubPhantom1 – ZQD makes this item and needs these items:

    • SC_Ph1 – ZQD buys this item and a standard or buy cost must be defined for this item.

    • SC_Ph2 – ZQD buys this item and a standard or buy cost must be defined for this item.

  • SC_SubAsmb1 – ZQD sources this from M1, which manufactures it with these items:

    • SC_A1 – M1 buys this item and a standard or buy cost must be defined for this item.

    • SC_A2 – M1 buys this item and a standard or buy cost must be defined for this item.

Apart from these materials, you also require various other resources to manufacture this item.

For this item, you create the work definitions.

Item Work Definition Name Version Date
SC_FP01 ZQD_Final 1 11/1/2023
SC_SubAsmb1 Main 1 11/1/2023

Let's assume that the batch size of the work definition output is 1 each (primary UOM of these items).

Note: We haven't defined a work definition for the phantom subassembly SC_SubPhantom1. Only for phantom subassemblies, the logic will roll up the cost without a work definition, using the item structure of the phantom. However, if you create a work definition for the phantom, it takes precedence for cost rollup.

Cost Scenario, Standard Costs, Resource Rates, and Overhead Rates

Now, to calculate the unit cost of SC_FP01, you start by creating a cost scenario. You must make sure that the effective start date of the cost scenario is same as or later than the work definition start date. Also, ensure that the settings listed here are made in the cost scenario:

  • Enable Supply Chain Cost Rollup – Select this option.

  • Organization Context – Group

  • Cost Rollup Group – Select a cost rollup group that you've created with the cost organization and cost book combinations for the ZQD and M1 organizations respectively.

  • Effective Date – 11/1/2023

  • Assignment Set Name – Select the assignment set in which you have set the sourcing type for all the items. Also, ensure that you’ve defined the various sourcing rules. The sourcing rules must be planning enabled and linked to the assignment set. Also, check whether active supply sourcing rules with total allocation of 100% exist as of the scenario effective date.

    Note: You must run the Extract Supply Sources process for the assignment set before running the Roll up Costs process.
  • Transfer Charge Rule Set – Select the rule set with the transfer charge rule for transfer from M1 to ZQD. Let’s assume you've defined a 2% transfer charge rule.

  • Rollup Scope – Select Items. Add the items listed here:

    • SC_SubAsmb1

    • SC_SubPhantom1

    • SC_FP01

  • Use Latest Work Definitions – Select this option to use the latest version of active work definition in the manufacturing organization.

Next, you must define the standard costs for the materials used, the rates for the various resources used when manufacturing the item, and the overheads incurred.

Standard Costs

Item Valuation Unit Buy Cost Cost Element Cost Element Type Expense Pool Unit Cost ($)
SC_F1 ZQD-Org1 Yes
P2P-Material Material 9.80
P2P-OH Overhead P2P_Exp_Pool 1.43
SC_Ph1 ZQD-Org1 No
P2P-Material Material 10.00
P2P-OH Overhead P2P_Exp_Pool 2.15
SC_Ph2 ZQD-Org1 Yes
P2P-Material Material 5.35
P2P-OH Overhead P2P_Exp_Pool 1.45
SC_A1 M1-Org1 Yes
P2P-Material Material 2.65
P2P-OH Overhead P2P_Exp_Pool 0.75
SC_A2 M1-Org1 Yes
P2P-Material Material 20.00
P2P-OH Overhead P2P_Exp_Pool 2.00
  • For SC_Ph1, Buy Cost isn't selected. You are defining a standard cost for this item that can be used to cost inventory transactions in cost accounting. When you select Buy Cost, the buy cost will be used by the Roll up Costs process to calculate the standard cost of the item only if the cost scenario is enabled for supply chain cost rollup and a buy sourcing rule exists for the item in the sourcing assignment. The buy cost is never used to cost inventory transactions in cost accounting.

  • Ensure that you select the appropriate cost organization and cost book combination for the items made or used by the ZQD and M1 organizations respectively.

Resource Rates

Resource Plant Cost Element Cost Element Type Expense Pool Unit Cost ($)
P2P-Resource Resource P2P_Res_Pool 7.00
Res-OH-2 Overhead RS_OH_Exp 2.99
SC_M1_Res1 M1-Mfg
P2P-Resource Resource P2P_Res_Pool 5.00
Res-OH-2 Overhead RS_OH_Exp 0.35

Overhead Rates

Plant Overhead Rate Type Item Cost Element Expense Pool Absorption Type Rate
M1-Mfg Work center overhead SC_SubAsmb1 Res-overhead WC-OH Percentage 10%
ZQD-Mfg Plant overhead N/A Plant_OH P1-OH Fixed $50.00
ZQD-Mfg Plant overhead N/A Plant_OH P1-OH Percentage 20%


After you define the cost scenario and the corresponding standard costs, resource rates, overhead rates, run the Roll up Costs process for the cost scenario.

Rolled Up Costs

Let's start with identifying the costs for the items SC_SubAsmb1, SC_SubPhantom1, and SC_FP01.

The item cost calculation for SC_SubAsmb1 is as shown here.

Operation Sequence Component/Resource Cost Element Type Unit Cost Quantity Amount
SC_SubAsmb1 138.70 1 138.70
10 SC_A1 Material 2.65 5 13.25
Overhead 0.75 5 3.75
10 SC_A2 Material 20.00 5 100.00
Overhead 2.00 5 10.00
10 SC_M1_Res1 Resource 5.00 2 10.00
Overhead 0.35 2 0.70
10 Work center overhead Overhead 1.00 1 1.00

The item cost calculation for SC_SubPhantom1 is as shown here.

Operation Sequence Component/Resource Cost Element Type Unit Cost Quantity Amount
SC_SubPhantom1 160.10 1 160.10
10 SC_Ph1 Material 10.00 5 50.00
Overhead 2.15 5 10.75
10 SC_Ph2 Material 5.35 5 26.75
Overhead 1.45 5 7.25
10 Plant overhead Overhead (Fixed) 50.00 1 50.00
10 Plant overhead Overhead (Percentage) 15.35 1 15.35

The percentage plant overhead in the table is defined at 20%. That's 20% of the material cost. The material cost equates to sum of the material cost multiplied by the quantity.

Overhead = 0.2 * [5 * (10.00 + 5.35)]

Overhead = 0.2 * [76.75] = 15.35

The item cost calculation for the final product SC_FP01 is as shown here.

Operation Sequence Component/Resource Cost Element Type Unit Cost Quantity Amount
SC_FP01 817.10 1 817.10
10 SC_F1 Material 9.80 10 98.00
Overhead 1.43 10 14.30
10 SC_Ph1 Total cost from phantom 60.75 5 303.75
10 SC_Ph2 Total cost from phantom 34.00 5 170.00
10 SC_SubAsmb1 Total cost from subassembly + transfer charge rule 141.47 1 141.47
10 SC_ZQD_Res1 Resource 7.00 2 14.00
Overhead 2.99 2 5.98
10 Plant overhead Overhead (Fixed) 50.00 1 50.00
10 Plant overhead Overhead (Percentage) 19.65 1 19.60

The percentage plant overhead in the table is defined at 20%. That's 20% of the material cost. The material cost equates to sum of the material cost multiplied by the quantity.

Overhead = 0.2 * [10 * (9.8)]

Overhead = 0.2 * [98] = 19.60

Also, the cost for the item SC_SubAsmb1 must include the 2% transfer charge. So the item cost is,

1.02 * 138.70 = 141.47

When you view the rolled up cost for the product, you'll notice that the phantom subassembly isn't shown directly, instead the phantom is expanded to show its components as if they're going into the higher-level assembly.