Review Maintenance Work Order Costs

Reviewing maintenance work orders help you track costs incurred for the materials and resources used for maintenance activities. These activities include preventive maintenance, break down maintenance, and so on, which can be performed in-house or outside as outsourced jobs.


The two prerequisites are:

  1. The following table lists the processes to be run. These processes must be run in the same sequence. They can be either scheduled or manually run.


    Run By


    Transfer Transactions from Maintenance to Costing

    Manufacturing Supervisor

    Tasks panel of Maintenance Management > Transfer Transactions from Maintenance to Costing.

    Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing

    Cost Accountant

    Scheduled Processes work area > Schedule New Process > Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing.

    Create Cost Accounting Distributions

    Cost Accountant

    Cost Accounting Work area > Create Cost Accounting Distributions.

    Create Accounting to create Accounting in SLA

    Cost Accountant

    Cost Accounting Work area > Create Accounting.

  2. The maintenance work order is in any status other than the unreleased status. That is, the work order is in any of the following statuses.

    • Released

    • On Hold

    • Canceled

    • Completed

    • Closed

Viewing Costs of a Maintenance Work Order

You can review the material and resource costs incurred for a maintenance work order on the Maintenance Work Order Costs page. You can review the cost details and their distributions, separately.

  • Details: View the summary of cost details, that is, the total cost, material costs, and the resource costs.

    You can further drill down and view detailed information about the material and resource costs incurred for each operation and work center in that work order.

  • Distributions: View the summary of costs distribution.

    Distributions provide accounting information for all the transactions reported against the maintenance work order that is being analyzed. The summary page shows the processing status of the transactions, that is, Not Processed, Partially Costed, and so on.

To review maintenance work order costs, do the following:

  1. Click Navigator > Cost Accounting.

  2. From the Tasks panel, under Cost Processing, select Review Maintenance Work Order Costs.

  3. Search for the work order records using the search filers: Cost Organization, Cost Book, Plant, Output Item, Work Order Number, and Work Order Status.

  4. Select the required work order from the search results and click View Costs.

    Note: You can also navigate to this page by clicking View Costs on the Edit Maintenance Work Orders page.

Reviewing Distributions of a Maintenance Work Order

Review distributions for all transactions reported against a maintenance work order or for a specific transaction. The transaction and costing details give you the accounting information of all the resources and materials used for each item.

To review distribution of maintenance work order costs, on the Maintenance Work Order Costs page:

  1. Select the required work order.

  2. Click Review Distributions.