Order Administrator (Job Role)

Configures all setup-related activities for order orchestration or order promising.

Role Hierarchy

The Order Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Order Administrator
    • Orchestration Infrastructure Administration
      • Functional Setups

      • Order Promising Management

      • Planning Administration

      • Planning Collected Data Management
        • Item Inquiry

    • Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Order Holds Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Order Orchestration Administration
      • B2B Messaging Administration
        • Collaboration Messaging Manager

        • Collaboration Messaging Read Only

        • Collaboration Messaging Setup

        • SOA Infra Designer

      • Functional Setups

      • Order Promising Management

      • Planning Administration

      • Planning Collected Data Management
        • Item Inquiry

    • Order Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Order Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Orchestration Process transactional information

Order Holds Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Order Holds transactional information

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Order Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Order transactional information

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

SOA Infra Designer

This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to "Administrators" enterprise role.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Order Administrator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Cancel Collaboration Message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Create External Partner

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Get Message Processing Configuration

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Get Message Transformation Configuration

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Application Partner

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Application Partners by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Associated External Partner

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Certificates

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Document Data Access for Users

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Logging

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messages

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging History

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage External Partner

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage External Partner Message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Failed Collaboration Messages

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Message Delivery Endpoint

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Service Provider

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Service Providers by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Supplier by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Brazil Electronic invoices

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Collaboration Message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Inbound Collaboration Document

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Reprocess Collaboration Message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Resolve Purchasing Document Actions by REST Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Retransmit Purchase Orders from Collaboration Messaging

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Output Document

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Source Document

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Payload

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Setup Details

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Output Document

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Service Providers by Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Cancel Collaboration Message

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Get Message Processing Configuration

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Get Message Transformation Configuration

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Logging

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging History

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Failed Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Message Delivery Endpoint

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Brazil Electronic invoices

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Collaboration Message

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Inbound Collaboration Document

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Reprocess Collaboration Message

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Resolve Purchasing Document Actions by REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Retransmit Purchase Orders from Collaboration Messaging

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Payload

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Account Numbers by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Application Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Service Providers by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Trading Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Create External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Application Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Associated External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Certificates

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Document Data Access for Users

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Service Provider

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Supplier by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View Service Providers by Web Service

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Administer Orchestration Infrastructure Jeopardy Threshold Definition

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Administer Orchestration Infrastructure Web Service Sourcing Rule

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Deploy Orchestration Infrastructure Process

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Generate Orchestration Infrastructure Change Constraint Definition Package

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Import Trading Community Person

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Maintain Drop Ship Financial Flow

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Drop Ship Financial Flow

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Change Constraint Definition

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Change Constraint Definition Objects

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure External Interface Connector

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure External Interface Data Value Map

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure External Interface Routing Rule

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure External Interface Transformation Style Sheet

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Hold Code Definition

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Jeopardy Priorities

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Order Attributes That Identify Change

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Process Definition

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Source Systems

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Status Conditions

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Status Definition Values

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Orchestration Infrastructure Task Types

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Trading Community Import Lookups

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Trading Community Original System

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Trading Community Original System Mapping

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Mark Orchestration Infrastructure Messages as Inactive

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

Monitor Plan Inputs Work Area

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

View Drop Ship Financial Flow

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

View Orchestration Infrastructure Messages

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other applications.

View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

Order Administrator

Configures all setup-related activities for order orchestration or order promising.

Manage Configure to Order Web Services

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Administer Jeopardy Threshold Definition

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Administer Tasks for Opt-in Features

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Administer Web Service Sourcing Rule

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Define Endpoint and Security Policy Information

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Deploy Orchestration Process

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Generate Bucket Sets for Business Rules

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Generate Change Constraint Definition Package

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Import Trading Community Person

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Maintain Drop Ship Financial Flow

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Change Constraint Definition

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Change Constraint Definition Objects

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Drop Ship Financial Flow

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Jeopardy Priorities

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Business Event Trigger Points

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Process Assignment Rule

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Process Definition

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Source Systems

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Orchestration Task Types

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Approval Rules

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Management Algorithms

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Management Extensions

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Management Service Mappings

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Orchestration Data Collection Processes

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Orchestration External Interface Routing Rule

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Orchestration External Interface Transformation Style Sheet

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Order Orchestration Hold Code Definition

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Post Transformation Defaulting Rules

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Pre Transformation Defaulting Rules

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Pricing Parameter Values

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Product Transformation Rules

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Status Conditions

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Status Definition Values

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Time Unit Mappings

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Trading Community Import Lookups

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Trading Community Original System

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Trading Community Original System Mapping

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Monitor Plan Inputs Work Area

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Publish Extensible Flexfield Attributes

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Purge Orchestration Order Recent Objects

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Purge Orchestration Order Recent User Requests

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Review Orchestration Collected Data

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Update Order Totals

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

Update Sales Order Indexes

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

View Drop Ship Financial Flow

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

View Order Management Algorithms

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

View Order Management Service Mappings

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

Order Orchestration Administration

Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.

View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Measure Definition

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Planning Graphs

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Planning Tables

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Edit Data in Planning Tables

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Edit Planning Analysis Sets

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Measure Definition

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Planning Graphs

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Planning Tables

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Allocation Attributes

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Available-to-Promise Rule

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Allocation Rule

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Exceptions

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Graphs

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Supply Shipment Sets

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Monitor Order Promising Work Area

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Review Plan Summary

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Schedule Fulfillment Line

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Available-to-Promise Rule

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Measure Definition

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Order to Cash Infolet Page

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Allocation Rule

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Analysis Sets

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Sourcing Rule

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability Details

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability Options

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Tables

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Supply Allocation Report

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Supply Availability Report

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Administer Planning Security

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Hierarchies Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Reference Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Collect Planning Transaction Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Analytics Configuration

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Buyer Planning Participating Suppliers

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Forecasting Profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Exception Sets

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Exceptions Configuration

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Level Profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Edit Planning Profile Options

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Export Customer Account

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Extract Planning Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Measure Data from Other Plans

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Hierarchies Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Reference Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Load Planning Transaction Data

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Material Planner

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Order Promising Data Collection

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Order Promising Options

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Advisor Alerts

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Attributes

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Instance

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Sourcing

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Planning Sourcing Assignment

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Manage Projects

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Monitor Planning Data Collection Process

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Load

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Perform Order Promising Server Data Refresh

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Provide Item Cost

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Schedule Publish Planning Data for Collaboration

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Search Customer Account Site

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Search Trading Community Organization

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

Update Plant Resource Availability

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Analytics Configuration

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Information

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Site

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Customer Account Site Use

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Forecasting Profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Exception Sets

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Exceptions Configuration

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Level Profiles

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Profile Options

Planning Administration

Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order promising server processes.

View Planning Sourcing Assignment

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Manage Order Promising Data Collection

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Order Orchestration Reference Objects

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Approved Supplier List

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Calendar

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Calendar Assignment

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Demand

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Demand Class

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Interlocation Shipping Network

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Inventory Reservation

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Item

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Order Orchestration Reference Object

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Supply

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Trading Partner

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Trading Partner Site

Planning Collected Data Management

Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.

Review Planning Unit of Measure

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Order Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Objects

An Order Administrator can manage application objects for all value chain planning application objects

Role: Planning Administration

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Orchestration Hold Code

An Order Administrator can manage orchestration hold code definition for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Hold Code Definition (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Orchestration Process Definition

An Order Administrator can manage orchestration process definition for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Process Definition (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Infrastructure Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Order Orchestration Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party