Create Tables, Graphs, and Tiles in the Order Promising Work Area

You can use predefined measures, dimensions, hierarchies, and members in the Selector Tool to create tables, graphs, and tiles.

Try it.

  1. Go to the Order Promising work area, then click Actions > Manage Tables, Graphs, and Analysis Sets.

  2. In the dialog that displays, click Actions > Create, and then click one:

    • Table

    • Graph

    • Tile

  3. In the Available Measures area, expand Global Order Promising, then move one or measures to the Selected Measures area.

    A measure typically measures performance for your item, organization, customer, and supplier, and it typically measures performance over time. For example, Demand Count by Creation Date.

    See the List of Measures section later in this topic.

  4. Click Hierarchies, then select the levels that you want to include for each table or graph.
    • If the Display attribute in the Hierarchy and Level Options area contains a check mark, then the table or graph will include that hierarchy.
    • Expand each hierarchy and specify the level. For example, expand the Time hierarchy, then add a check mark to All, Period, Week, or Day. If you select Week and Day, then the graph displays only weeks and days, starting at the week.

  5. Click Members, then move the members that you want in your data to the Selected Members area. If you don't select a member, then the graph or table displays the dimension starting at the top level that you select in the Hierarchies tab.

  6. Click Layout, then format the table, graph, or tile.

    • Use the Table Layout Options area to set up the table layout and specify how drilldowns work.

    • Use the Graph Layout Options area to select the graph type. Select from a wide variety, such as Vertical Bar Graph, Stacked Line Dual Y-Axis Graph, Bubble, and so on. Set the X axis, Y axis, and so on.

    • Use the Tile Layout Options area to select the graph type, and to add tables and graphs to the tile that you're creating.

Filter Your Members

When you're on the Members tab, click Advanced Filter (the funnel), then filter data according to predefined attributes.
Tab Select Members According To
Levels The level, such as Customer Site for customers, or Period for time.
Family A parent and child relationship, such as the Days child in the Week parent.
Attributes Item names that contain the word Economy.

You can use only the Name attribute.

Measure Criteria A criteria, such as items where the Gross Margin is greater than a value that you specify.
Time Range A date range, a start date, or today's date.

Take Action in Your Filter

You can do an action on each filter.

Action Description
Replace With : Replace the current data with the members that meet your filter criteria.
Add Add members that meet your filter criteria.
Keep Keep only the members that meet your filter criteria.
Remove Remove the members that don't meet your filter criteria.
  • You can apply filter criteria sequentially to refine your results. For example, select all the items for a category, and then keep the top 10 items according to sales volume.
  • Click Show Results to display the filtered list of members.You can accept the results or do a reset.

  • Expand Criteria Steps to display the criteria that the filter applied.
    • Click X in a row to remove a step.
    • Click Show Criteria Change to view the result of removing a criteria.

Use an Analysis Set

An analysis set is a set of filter criteria that contains the measures and members that you select in the tool. Open the Selector Tool dialog, then click:
  • Apply Analysis Set to apply your filter to a table or graph. Use it to efficiently select the filters that you frequently use.
  • Save as Analysis Set to save your filters as a list or as a script.

Link Your Tables

You can link a table or graph to another table or graph.

  1. Go to the Global Order Promising work area, then click Actions > Manage Table, Graphs, and Analysis Sets.
  2. In the dialog that displays, create a table, then save it.
  3. Click Actions > Manage Links.
  4. Click one of these tabs.
    • To Table, Graph, or Page Layout. Create a link to another table or graph.

    • From Table or Graph. Create a link to an open table or graph from another table or graph.

  5. Click + (the plus sign), then select the table or graph to link to or link from.

  6. Set the attributes.
    Attribute Description
    Enable Dynamic Linking Allow Promising to refresh the drill-to table or graph when data in the source table changes.
    Pass Highlighted Selections and Selected Members Send the data that's selected in the current table to the drill-to table or graph.
    Pass User Specified Parameters Use the attributes that you specify to send data to the drill-to table or graph.
  7. Save your work.
  8. Go to the Order Promising Summary page, then click Drill To on the tile where you added the link.

List of Measures

Here are the predefined measures that you can use.

  • Demand Count by Creation Date

  • Demand Count by Requested Date

  • Demands Scheduled Late Percentage by Creation Date

  • Demands Scheduled Late Percentage by Requested Date

  • Demands Scheduled On Time Percentage by Creation Date

  • Demands Scheduled On Time Percentage by Requested Date

  • Gross Margin

  • Gross Margin Percentage

  • Late Demand Count by Creation Date

  • Late Demand Count by Requested Date

  • Late Demand Value by Creation Date

  • Late Demand Value by Requested Date

  • On Time Demand Count by Creation Date

  • On Time Demand Count by Requested Date

  • On Time Demand Value by Creation Date

  • On Time Demand Value by Requested Date

  • Revenue

  • Total Fulfillment Cost by Creation Date

  • Total Fulfillment Cost by Requested Date