Multidimensional Editing and Analysis

Multidimensional editing and analysis provide you the flexibility to view plan data at any aggregation relevant to your business.

You can perform plan analysis using one or more of the following methods:

  • View and interact with data at any level

  • View aggregated data

  • Update disaggregation data

  • Configurable data disaggregation

  • Drill and Drill To

  • View summaries

View and Interact with Data at Any Level

You can filter the data in tables and graphs and make data adjustments that are automatically disaggregated to the data storage level. When you save the changes, the changes are available real time to all other users of the plan who can view and interact with the data at the levels that are most useful for their roles.

View Data in Aggregation

Viewing aggregate data in tables and graphs, inline drilling and Drill To capabilities lets you navigate and explore more relevant data as needed. For example, in a time dimension, a hierarchy might be used to aggregate data from the Day to Week, Period, Quarter, or Year. You can view data in a table at aggregate levels of the dimensions' hierarchies selected during the table's definition. The data is automatically aggregated to the levels visible in the table.

Update Disaggregation Data

In a table, you can update data at any level of an editable measure. When the changes are saved, the edits made at an aggregate level are allocated down to the lower levels. Edits at lower levels are aggregated up to the higher levels.

Note: The term disaggregation and allocation are used interchangeably.

Configurable Data Disaggregation

A plan provides you the ability to control how data is aggregated and disaggregated as part of configurable measure definitions.

The disaggregation methodology is controlled by the Disaggregation Parameters. To update the Disaggregation Parameters for an editable measure, navigate to the Manage Planning Measures page in the Demand Management work area.

The following are the four different methods for allocating and persisting modified data:

  • By Measure: Divides the value among underlying members using the underlying weights of the members for a specified measure.

  • By Self: Divides the value among underlying members using the current values of the same measure.

  • Equal: Divides the value equally among the underlying members.

  • Same value: All underlying members receive the value that you have entered.

The weights for each combination of dimension members in a measure are calculated and stored for the measure during plan run. These weights are used to allocate the data. For example, the forecasts for P1-Org1 and P2-Org1 are 40 and 60 respectively. Therefore the weights used for allocation would be 40 percent for P1-Org1 and 60 percent for P2-Org1.

The disaggregation method that you selected impacts the way in which updates are allocated and stored. Oracle recommends that you review aggregation and disaggregation methods together to ensure they're synchronized.

Drill and Drill To

Drilling gives you the ability to expand and collapse the selections in a table and graph. It enables access to both aggregate and detailed views. You can also use drilling on a graph to drill from a higher level to lower levels. When you create a graph, multiple levels of a dimension's hierarchy are selected and the drill option is enabled on the Layout tab. When you view a graph, the most aggregate level is shown first. You can click the level to drill to other levels to view additional information.

Use the Drill To functionality to navigate to the linked tables and graphs from a table or a graph. When navigating to a linked table or graph the context of the originating table or graph is used as a filter. Drilling from one object to another is configured in the Manage Links menu. You can drill between graphs, between tables and graphs, and between tables to view the data.

View Summaries

Use summaries to view summary information for all levels in the table. You can configure the summaries using the Configure Summaries action in the View Menu on the table toolbar. You can enable or disable summary rows on a specific level or for all levels selected in the table. Summaries can be displayed on rows and columns depending on the location of levels in the table.

Summaries are calculated using the Other Dimension Aggregation Parameter defined for the Measure. Measure aggregation for summaries in a table uses the aggregation parameters selected for the measure in the Manage Planning Measures page.

When creating a measure, you can use Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, Weighted Average, Count, Latest, Median, Variance, or Standard deviation as an aggregation function.

Note: The Table Summaries are updated automatically when you change the content in a cell.