Apply Document Job Set Rules and Output Preferences

Use the Apply Document Job Set Rules and Output Preferences scheduled process to apply business rules to identify document job sets and output preferences during ship confirm or pick release process.

The process is submitted automatically once the shipment is confirmed or the pick wave is created. The scheduled process picks up shipments or a pick wave and submits the document job sets associated with the process. Document job sets will in turn run the individual jobs associated with them.

When to Use

This process is intended to be run automatically as part of pick release or ship confirm process to generate documents associated with the process. It should be run manually only when you want to apply a specific job set associated to the shipment or a pick wave. You may also choose to run it manually to print the pick release and shipping documents if any of the subsequent processes or jobs run into errors. If you don’t provide the document job set with the process, it will evaluate the document job set to apply and run it accordingly.

Privileges Required

  • Apply Document Job Set Rules and Output Preferences (WSH_APPLY_DOCUMENT_JOB_SET_RULES_OUTPUT_PREFERENCES_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description

Job Type



It is automatically run as part of pick release or ship confirm process.

Time of Day

Any time.


Run time of this process varies based on the number of shipments or pick waves to process.


There can be multiple instances of the process running at any time, but it's recommended not to run it manually.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes



Indicates the process to run the job.

Pick release, Ship confirm



From Shipment


Starting shipment in a range of shipments.

The list of shipments.

This is required when the process is Ship confirm.


To Shipment


Ending shipment in a range of shipments.

The list of shipments.

This is required when the process is Ship confirm.


Pick Wave


Pick wave associated with the pick release.

Pick Wave

This is required when the process is Pick release.


Document Job Set


Indicates the document job set to be applied to the shipment or pick wave as per the process.

The list of document job sets.



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes page.
  • Once the process is complete, it will have a log file and an output file.
  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process display in the log file. If the process status is Error, select the row, click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • This process is automatically submitted but if user runs the process manually, it should be run for specific shipments or a pick wave so that it does not spawn a lot of child processes.
  • Shipping does not support nested job sets for document job sets i.e., one job set within another job set.
  • Shipping must be enabled for the customers to be able to use this scheduled process.