Build Gregorian Calendar

Use the Build Gregorian Calendar scheduled process to create the Gregorian calendar definition for a period of time, specified in years.

When to Use

Supply Chain Planning provides a Gregorian calendar definition for the years 2000 to 2035. Use the Build Gregorian Calendar scheduled process to extend the years in this calendar definition beyond 2035.

Privileges Required

  • Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection (MSP_PERFORM_ORDER_ORCHESTRATION_AND_PLANNING_DATA_COLLECTION_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Running it on a spontaneous basis is recommended, but it also can be scheduled as part of integrated job set.
Frequency Only one time as an initial setup. You don't need to rerun the scheduled process unless you want to create the Gregorian calendar definition for additional years.
Time of Day It can be submitted any time based on your requirements.
Duration Typically, less than 5 minutes.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously. It’s not recommended to run this process while running Supply Chain plans or any data-collection-related scheduled process.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Start Year in YYYY Format Required Start year for Gregorian calendar generation Provide the year in YYYY format. For example, 2036. NA
End Year in YYYY Format Required End year for Gregorian calendar generation Provide the year in YYYY format. For example, 2046.

The process is designed to create a Gregorian calendar definition for only 20 years at a time. However, you can specify any end-year value on the Scheduled Process UI.

For example, if you specify 2036 as start year and 2057 as end year, then the process will fail and displays this message in the log file:

Start Year, End Year difference cannot be more than 20 Years. Please enter years with a maximum difference of 20.

Action Required

Select Append to existing calendar to add years to the existing Gregorian calendar definition.

Select Replace existing calendar to replace the existing Gregorian calendar definition with the new Gregorian calendar created for the specified time range.

Append to existing calendar


Replace existing calendar

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Build Gregorian Calendar process on the Scheduled Processes UI.
  • View the log file attached to the Build Gregorian Calendar process for details, including warning and error messages.