Create and Update Cost Accounting Events

Use the Create and Update Cost Accounting Events scheduled process only for your periodic average cost books when the draft periodic average cost accounting distributions are ready to be finalized for the period and posted through subledger accounting into general ledger.

The periodic average costs can only be finalized at the end of a period. However, the solution is designed to let you create, view, and report on draft periodic cost accounting distributions during a period. This helps you analyze the accounting for a period as the business events unfold and you can create adjustments to item costs, resources, and overhead rates during the period but prior to the completing period end tasks.

This process creates the accounting events for all the distributions created for the period's transactions. These events act as inputs for the Create Accounting process. For a periodic average cost book, Create Accounting can be run only after the period is closed and this process has run successfully.

When to Use

This process gets invoked automatically when you change the period status from Pending Close to Close. You can also run this process manually as part of the period close when using the Periodic Average Cost Method, if required.

Privileges Required

  • Create Cost Accounting Distributions (CST_CREATE_COST_DISTRIBUTIONS)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc

The process is automatically run when you change the status of the period from Pending Close to Close.

Frequency If you are using the Periodic Average Cost method, you should run this process at least once per period as part of the period close tasks.
Time of Day At the close of a cost accounting period.
Duration Run time of this process will vary based on the number of inventory and manufacturing transactions and type of transactions.

You can't simultaneously run multiple instances of this process for the same cost organization and cost book combination.

You can't simultaneously run this process and Period End Validations for the same cost organization and cost book combination.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Cost Organization Required Run this process for a specific cost organization that has a periodic average cost book. Cost Organization Name N/A N/A
Periodic Average Cost Book Required A cost book that is enabled for Periodic Average cost method. Cost Book Name N/A N/A
Commit Limit Optional Use the commit limit to fine tune the size of processing sets. The default setting is sufficient for most typical cases. Number N/A N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes page.

  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process are displayed in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes page.

  • To run the process, you must have data access to the appropriate Cost Organization. If you don't have data access to the selected Cost Organization, the process ends with a Warning status.

  • For best results be sure to perform all the upstream and downstream tasks as noted in the specifications section.