Transfer Transactions from Production to Costing

Use the Transfer Transactions from Production to Costing scheduled process to transfer manufacturing work order transactions and events to cost accounting.

Work order transactions and events such as resource usage, scrap, work order completion and close transactions are transferred to costing as a prerequisite for the Create Cost Accounting Distributions scheduled process.

When to Use

The Transfer Transactions from Production to Costing scheduled process is a prerequisite process which should be coordinated to complete just prior to the start of the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. The process should be scheduled to run at least once per day to ensure cost accounting is up to date with timely production cost information. This process can also be run more often than once per day depending on business needs such as prior to decision points, at end of day, after production shifts, or after peak activity on the shop floor. You can use process sets to coordinate this scheduled process with parallel and downstream processes.

Privileges Required

  • Transfer Transaction from Manufacturing to Costing (WIP_TRANSFER_TRANSACTIONS_FROM_PRODUCTION_TO_COSTING)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc


Frequency Daily or more than once per day.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Run time of this process will vary based on the number of transactions.
Compatibility There are no incompatibilities. This process is a prerequisite process and should be coordinated with the other scheduled processes that rely on this process to complete.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required You can run this process for a specific inventory or manufacturing organization or for all. Organization name N/A N/A
Source System Required You can choose to run this for Work Execution or Enterprise Asset Management or All WIE, EAM, or All N/A N/A

Troubleshooting Information

Enter manufacturing transactions for resources, scrap, work order close events on a timely basis.