Delete Standard Costs from Interface

Use the Delete Standard Costs from Interface scheduled process to periodically delete temporary interface data that has been uploaded via the ADFdi spreadsheet but set aside with error.

When standard costs are uploaded via the ADFdi spreadsheet, the temporary interface data is automatically removed after the standard cost is uploaded successfully. But if there are errors, then the error rows remain as temporary data in the interface awaiting correction from the spreadsheet. If the errors aren't corrected, then you can run this scheduled process to delete these error rows from the temporary interface data.

When to Use

Depending on the volume of data and the frequency at which you are uploading standard costs using the ADFdi spreadsheet, you can schedule this process to run periodically to clear out old error rows.

Privileges Required

  • Estimate Costs (CST_ESTIMATE_COSTS)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc


Frequency If you use the ADFdi spreadsheet to upload standard costs, you can run this process on a daily or weekly cadence, or more frequently as needed, depending on the peaks in standard costs upload activities.
Time of Day Run this process any time of day, preferably during low user activities.
Duration Run time of this process will vary based on the number of error rows.
Compatibility There are no incompatibilities.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Batch ID Required Every import run generates a batch ID that is stamped on the standard cost records and used for audit trail. Enter the batch ID for which error rows need to be deleted. Number N/A N/A
Scenario Required The cost scenario for which error rows need to be deleted. Cost Scenario Name N/A N/A
Status Optional A cost record in Error status has failed the validation process. Cost records in the New status haven't been validated as yet. You shouldn't have any cost record in the New status stuck in the interface table. However, if the import process times out, say due to a very high volume, then these cost records get stuck in the interface table. You can clear such records by selecting New. Error (default)



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes page.

  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process are displayed in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes page.

  • To run the process, you must have data access to the appropriate Cost Organization. If you don't have data access to the selected Cost Organization, the process ends with a Warning status.