Generate Maintenance Forecast

The Generate Maintenance Forecast scheduled process is used to create and refresh the maintenance forecast for one or many maintenance programs in a maintenance-enabled organization.

A forecast collects work requirements from all the active maintenance plans and suggests work based on rules, concurrent work options, and existing maintenance work order.

You can create and view a graphical overview of maintenance programs within the current organization. You can also search and select specific maintenance programs for review. it's important to note that the forecast isn't constraint by resource or material availability. You can edit a forecast by editing the specific maintenance program that you want to update.

You can periodically update the forecast by running the Generate Maintenance Forecast scheduled process.

Note: When generating the maintenance forecast, the application considers the value set for the Forecast Horizon in Days. This value is defined in the maintenance organization's plant parameters and controls how far into the future the forecast will generate due dates. After a forecast is run, if some due dates aren't displayed in the calendar or Gantt chart, you can review the setup and adjust the horizon window value. For additional details, refer to the topic Guidelines to Set Up Maintenance Plant Parameters in the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

The job considers the value defined in the Forecast Horizon in Days field in the plant parameters for the organization. Therefore, the forecast due dates will only be created or refreshed into the future for the number of days in the window period.

This scheduled process is like the adhoc action to generate the forecast that is available in the manage maintenance program and manage work requirement pages.

When to Use

You can run the scheduled process on demand or schedule it to run at a specific interval of time. It is recommended to run the process nightly or weekly, depending upon the cadence of your work requirements and how often the forecast needs to be updated prior to work order creation. Additionally, it is recommended to run more frequently if you have day or meter based forecasts that calculate the next due dates based on the last completion of a work order.

To run the scheduled process at a specific schedule or time, you can click the Advanced button and then in the Schedule tab, select Using a schedule from the Run option. Now, you can select the frequency and enter a start date for the scheduled process to run.

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Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc, you only run at any time to refresh the forecast between scheduled jobs.

Scheduled, it is recommended to schedule the job daily or weekly.

Frequency It is recommended to run more frequently, even daily, if you have day or meter based forecasts that calculate the next due dates based on the last completion of a work order.
Time of Day It is recommended to run after hours and after any meter updates have occurred from external systems.
Duration Typically, it will take several minutes, depending on the volume of data being created or updated. The number of work requirements, assets, and also the window number of days for the forecast horizon will extend the duration of the job.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the process running at any one time for an organization.


The process will typically be run only be selecting an Organization Code in the LOV.

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Organization Required The name of maintenance organization for generating the maintenance forecast. Organization Code using an LOV. None
From Maintenance Program Name Optional The name of first maintenance program in the range of maintenance programs for generating the maintenance forecast. Program Name using an LOV. Yes, From and To must be used together to define a range.
To Maintenance Program Name Optional The name of last maintenance program in the range of maintenance programs for generating the maintenance forecast. Program Name using an LOV. Yes, From and To must be used together to define a range.
From Maintenance Program Code Optional The code of first maintenance program in the range of maintenance programs for generating the maintenance forecast. Program Code using an LOV. Yes, From and To must be used together to define a range.
To Maintenance Program Code Optional The code of last maintenance program in the range of maintenance programs for generating the maintenance forecast. Program Code using an LOV. Yes, From and To must be used together to define a range.

Troubleshooting Information

File processing using the Generate Maintenance Forecast schedule process:

  • You can schedule a new process to generate the forecast on a schedule.
  • You can view the status of the Generate Maintenance Forecast job on the Scheduled Processes UI.
  • If any of the processes end in Warning or Error status, review their output logs. You may need to correct the data start the process again.