Generate Serial Numbers

Use the Generate Serial Numbers scheduled process to create serial numbers for inventory items. This process doesn't assign numbers to units in inventory, it simply reserves a range of serial numbers for an item for later use.

When to Use

You can generate serial numbers for any control type, but typically you would use this scheduled process for items that are set up for Predefined Serial Number control. At the item level, select Predefined Serial Number for the Serial Generation attribute and enter a starting prefix and starting number. At the organization level, also set the Uniqueness and Generation attributes.

Privileges Required

  • Generate Item Serial Number (INV_GENERATE_ITEM_SERIAL_NUMBER_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc


Frequency As required, before receiving serial numbers.
Time of Day Any time before receiving the serial numbers.
Duration The duration of the process depends on the parameters provided while running the report.
Compatibility There can be many requests running at the same time depending on the input parameters.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required Enter the organization code. Organization None N/A
Item Required Enter the item. Item None N/A
Quantity Required Enter the quantity of serial numbers to be generated. Quantity None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • Ensure the prerequisite set ups are done. At the item level, select Predefined Serial Number for the Serial Generation attribute and enter a starting prefix and starting number. At the organization level, also set the Uniqueness and Generation attributes.
  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes page. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • The output file also shows how many serial numbers were generated and the starting and ending serial numbers.