Optimize Rules

Use the Optimize Rules scheduled process to regenerate item rule scripts and store them in the database.

You can regenerate the rule scripts after any server restart. This regeneration helps to optimize the performance of rules when they're processed.

When to Use

After you create or update and rule set and save it, the scripts are automatically generated and saved. However, after a rule set is saved, if you’re making changes to the metadata connected with any of the item rule sets, you should use the Optimize Rules scheduled process to regenerate the item rule scripts. Alternatively, you can initiate the scheduled process from the Manage Item Rule Sets task to optimize the rules.

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Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Ad hoc or scheduled.

Depending on the need of the analysis, for example, if you make any changes to metadata connected with any item rule that you’ve created and saved already.

Frequency When there’s a change to metadata that is connected with item rules.
Time of Day If there are considerable number of item rules, it’s recommended to run the analysis after work hours.
Duration Variable based on the rules data set up.
Compatibility There’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Optimize Rules process on the scheduled processes UI.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the analysis are displayed in the error log.
  • Any interactive warning validations aren’t performed.
  • When the program is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, or Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes UI.

Related Topic

How can I export and import item rule sets from one environment to another environment?