Purge Cycle Count

Use the Purge Cycle Count process to remove cycle count records from the database.

Purging a cycle count removes all related objects such as schedules, count sequences, count classes, and items. You can purge cycle counts using the Manage Cycle Counts page or the Scheduled Processes work area.

When to Use

Use this scheduled process when your business no longer needs the data associated with the cycle count.

Privileges Required

  • Purge Cycle Count (INV_PURGE_CYCLE_COUNT)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Adhoc


Frequency As required for business or performance requirements.
Time of Day Any time depending on requirements.
Duration The duration of this process varies based on the number of items in the cycle count.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required The organization where the cycle count is defined. Inventory organization None N/A
Cycle Count Required The name of the cycle count. Cycle count name None N/A
Purge Count Setup Required Indicate if the cycle count definition can be purged or not. If the value is No, setup for the cycle count won't be purged. If the value is Yes, we try to purge the header as long as there are no adjustments against the cycle count. Yes


None N/A
Purge Count Details Before Optional Removes all count details in the cycle count prior to this date. Date None N/A
Purge Count Sequences Optional Removes count sequences from the database based on the selection.

Purge all count sequences

Purge only count sequences with errors

If you select Purge only count sequences with errors and choose No for the Purge Count Setup field, then only the count sequences that have error records in pending transactions are deleted. In this case, the Purge Count Details Before date isn't required.

If you select Purge all count sequences and choose Yes for the Purge Count Setup field, then all count sequences and pending transactions with errors before the specified date are deleted.


Troubleshooting Information

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes page.