Recall Trace Status Details REST Endpoints

Inventory Management/Recall Trace Status Details
The Recall Trace Status Details resource gets the product traceability information for a recalled product after a locate action is performed. A recall notice line can have multiple trace status detail records, depending on different traceability status in which the recalled product has been located. The traceability statuses include PAR, EXPENSE, IN STOCK, and INBOUND. For each traceability status in which the recalled part in the recall notice line exists or for each warehouse or location or subinventory where the recalled part is located, there will be a unique trace status detail record created. If the product traceability status is EXPENSE, the traceability record can be unique for each requester who is supposed to consume the recalled parts. The product trace identifier is the unique application generated primary key. The trace detail status include lot, serial, subinventory code, stock locator, and transaction details. If the subinventory or stock locator remains same but there are multiple lots or serials, then there will be as many product traceability detail records as the number of lots or serials. The product trace line identifier is the unique application generated primary key.
Get all trace status details
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Get one trace status detail
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{recallTraceStatusDetailsUniqID}
Update trace status details
Method: post
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/