Update one line




Path Parameters
  • Value that uniquely identifies the inbound fiscal document.
  • This is the hash key of the attributes which make up the composite key for the Fiscal Document Lines resource and used to uniquely identify an instance of Fiscal Document Lines. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the Fiscal Document Lines collection resource in order to navigate to a specific instance of Fiscal Document Lines to get the hash key.
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Fiscal Document Schedules
Type: array
Title: Fiscal Document Schedules
The Fiscal Document Schedules resource gets the schedule information of the fiscal document.
Show Source
Nested Schema : inboundFiscalDocuments-fiscalDocumentLines-fiscalDocumentSchedules-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : inboundFiscalDocuments-fiscalDocumentLines-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Amount
    Read Only: true
    Amount on the fiscal document item line.
  • Title: Charges
    Read Only: true
    Unit price of goods or services.
  • Title: Document ID
    Read Only: true
    Value that uniquely identifies the inbound fiscal document.
  • Title: External Item
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 300
    Indicates the name of the item given on the fiscal document sent by the issuer.
  • Title: Description
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 250
    Indicates the description of the item given on the fiscal document sent by the issuer.
  • Title: FCI Number
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 36
    Displays the FCI Number for imported products that are subject to industrial processing on the fiscal document line.
  • Fiscal Document Schedules
    Title: Fiscal Document Schedules
    The Fiscal Document Schedules resource gets the schedule information of the fiscal document.
  • Title: Item Description
    Read Only: true
    Description of the item on the fiscal document line.
  • Title: Item ID
    Read Only: true
    Value that uniquely identifies the item.
  • Title: Item Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 80
    Number that identifies the item on the fiscal document line.
  • Title: Document Line ID
    Read Only: true
    Value that uniquely identifies the fiscal document line.
  • Title: Line Number
    Read Only: true
    Number that identifies the line of the fiscal document item.
  • Title: Source Document Type
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Type of the fiscal document sent by supplier or party.
  • Title: Source Document Type Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Code that identifies the document type that acts as source for the fiscal document that is captured or created.
  • Title: Status Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: NEW
    Status of the item line. This value is generated by the application.
  • Links
  • Title: Physical Receipt Date
    Read Only: true
    Date when goods or service are physically received.
  • Title: Delivered Quantity
    Quantity that was physically received.
  • Title: Unit Price
    Read Only: true
    Unit price of goods or services.
  • Title: Quantity
    Read Only: true
    Quantity on the fiscal document line.
  • Title: Secondary Quantity
    Indicates the quantity in the secondary unit of measure for a dual-UOM-controlled item.
  • Title: Secondary UOM
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the UOM code of the alternative unit of measure that's allowed to quantify a dual-UOM-controlled item.
  • Title: Secondary UOM
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 25
    Indicates the alternative unit of measure that's allowed to quantify a dual-UOM-controlled item.
  • Title: Source Document BU ID
    Read Only: true
    Value that uniquely identifies the source document business unit.
  • Title: Source Document BU
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Name of the business unit for the source document. Valid values are Procurement BU, Requisition BU, or Receivable BU.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    Status of the fiscal document line.
  • Title: Line Type
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Type of line on the fiscal document.
  • Title: Type Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Code that identifies the type of line on the fiscal document.
  • Title: UOM Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Code that identifies the unit of measure of the item quantity that was physically received.
  • Title: UOM Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 25
    Name of the base unit of measure to be used where allocation basis is quantity, weight, or volume.
Nested Schema : Fiscal Document Schedules
Type: array
Title: Fiscal Document Schedules
The Fiscal Document Schedules resource gets the schedule information of the fiscal document.
Show Source
Nested Schema : inboundFiscalDocuments-fiscalDocumentLines-fiscalDocumentSchedules-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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This example describes how to update a line.

Example 1 cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource to update the deliviered quantity for a fiscal document line.

curl -X PATCH -u "username:password" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.oracle.adf.resourceitem+json" -d 'request payload'  "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849"

Example 1 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.


Example 1 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"DocumentId": 300100123926847,
	"LineId": 300100123926849,
	"LineNumber": 1,
	"LineSourceDocumentTypeCode": "PURCHASE_ORDER",
	"LineSourceDocumentType": "Purchase order",
	"SourceDocumentBUId": 300100052386093,
	"SourceDocumentBUName": "Vision Brazil",
	"InventoryItemId": 300100068025065,
	"InventoryItemNumber": "BR03",
	"InventoryItemDescription": "Brazil Purchased Item 03",
	"TypeCode": "GOODS",
	"Type": "Goods",
	"Quantity": 1,
	"PhysicalReceiptQuantity": 1002,
	"PhysicalReceiptDate": "2017-09-25",
	"UOMCode": "BOX",
	"UOMName": "BOX",
	"Price": 100,
	"Amount": 100,
	"ChargesAmount": 0,
	"links": [
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
		"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
		"kind": "item",
		"properties": {
			"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000478"
		"rel": "canonical",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
		"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
		"kind": "item"
		"rel": "parent",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847",
		"name": "inboundFiscalDocuments",
		"kind": "item"
		"rel": "child",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849/child/fiscalDocumentSchedules",
		"name": "fiscalDocumentSchedules",
		"kind": "collection"

Example 2 cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource to update the delivered quantity for multiple fiscal document lines at a time as a batch.

curl -X POST -u "username:password" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.oracle.adf.resourceitem+json" -d 'request payload'  "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version"

Example 2 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

		"id": "part1",
		"path": "/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
		"operation": "update",
		"payload":   {"PhysicalReceiptQuantity" : 1004}
		"id": "part2",
		"path": "/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100170578290",
		"operation": "update",
		"payload":   {"PhysicalReceiptQuantity" : "5"}

Example 2 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

	"parts": [
		"id": "part1",
		"path": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
		"operation": "update",
		"payload": {
			"DocumentId": 300100123926847,
			"LineId": 300100123926849,
			"LineNumber": 1,
			"LineSourceDocumentTypeCode": "PURCHASE_ORDER",
			"LineSourceDocumentType": "Purchase order",
			"SourceDocumentBUId": 300100052386093,
			"SourceDocumentBUName": "Vision Brazil",
			"InventoryItemId": 300100068025065,
			"InventoryItemNumber": "BR03",
			"InventoryItemDescription": "Brazil Purchased Item 03",
			"TypeCode": "GOODS",
			"Type": "Goods",
			"Quantity": 1,
			"PhysicalReceiptQuantity": 1004,
			"PhysicalReceiptDate": "2017-09-25",
			"UOMCode": "BOX",
			"UOMName": "BOX",
			"Price": 100,
			"Amount": 100,
			"ChargesAmount": 0,
			"links": [
				"rel": "self",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
				"kind": "item",
				"properties": {
					"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000678"
				"rel": "canonical",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
				"kind": "item"
				"rel": "parent",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847",
				"name": "inboundFiscalDocuments",
				"kind": "item"
				"rel": "child",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100123926847/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100123926849/child/fiscalDocumentSchedules",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentSchedules",
				"kind": "collection"
		"id": "part2",
		"path": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100170578290",
		"operation": "update",
		"payload": {
			"DocumentId": 300100170578288,
			"LineId": 300100170578290,
			"LineNumber": 1,
			"LineSourceDocumentTypeCode": "PURCHASE_ORDER",
			"LineSourceDocumentType": "Purchase order",
			"SourceDocumentBUId": 300100052386093,
			"SourceDocumentBUName": "Vision Brazil",
			"InventoryItemId": 300100068025061,
			"InventoryItemNumber": "BR01",
			"InventoryItemDescription": "Brazil Cement",
			"TypeCode": "GOODS",
			"Type": "Goods",
			"Quantity": 1,
			"PhysicalReceiptQuantity": 5,
			"PhysicalReceiptDate": "2018-10-03",
			"UOMCode": "BOX",
			"UOMName": "BOX",
			"Price": 100,
			"Amount": 100,
			"ChargesAmount": 17,
			"links": [
				"rel": "self",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100170578290",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
				"kind": "item",
				"properties": {
					"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000578"
				"rel": "canonical",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100170578290",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentLines",
				"kind": "item"
				"rel": "parent",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288",
				"name": "inboundFiscalDocuments",
				"kind": "item"
				"rel": "child",
				"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inboundFiscalDocuments/300100170578288/child/fiscalDocumentLines/300100170578290/child/fiscalDocumentSchedules",
				"name": "fiscalDocumentSchedules",
				"kind": "collection"
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