Create one plant parameter
Path Parameters
OrganizationId(required): integer(int64)
Value that uniquely identifies the item or inventory organization. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates an item or inventory organization.
Header Parameters
If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
- application/json
Root Schema : schema
Show Source
AllowDirectPurchasesForWorkOrdersFlag: boolean
Allow direct purchases for work orders
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then allow a work definition to access self-service procurement. If false, then do not allow this access. The default value is false. -
AllowNegativeIssueWithoutSerialNumberEntryFlag: boolean
Allow negative issue without serial number entry
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then removing a part from a procured finished good will not require the user to specify the serial number of the part. If false, then removing a part from a procured finished good will require the user to specify the serial number of the part. The default value is false. -
AllowReservationsOnWorkOrdersFlag: boolean
Allow reservations for work order materials
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the work order allows reservations on specified materials. If false, then reservations are not permitted. The default value is false. -
AutoAssociateSerialNumberWorkOrderImportFlag: boolean
Automatically associate serial numbers during work order import
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:true
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then create serial numbers and associate them with a job. If false, then do not create serial numbers. The default value is true. -
BackflushLotSelection: string
Lot Selection During Backflush
Maximum Length:30
Determines the lots to use when performing a backflush. Valid values include Manual, First In First Out, or First Expiration First Out. -
DefaultCompletionLocator: integer
Default Completion Locator
Locator to use to store the product upon completion if the default isn't defined. The default completion subinventory controls whether or not the locator is required. -
DefaultCompletionSubinventory: string
Default Completion Subinventory
Maximum Length:10
Subinventory to use to store the product upon completion if the default isn't defined. -
DefaultIncludeInPlanningForBulkSupplyTypeFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default behavior is to include an operation item in planning when the operation item supply type is bulk. If false, then it's not. The default value is true. -
DefaultIncludeInPlanningForSupplierSupplyTypeFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default behavior is to include an operation item in planning when the operation item supply type is supplier. If false, then it's not. The default value is true. -
DefaultLabelTemplate: string
Maximum Length:
Layout template to use when printing labels. -
DefaultLotNumberBehavior: string
Default Lot Number Used for Product Completion
Maximum Length:30
Default Value:ORA_RCS_DLN_NO_DEF
Value that indicates the defaulting method to use to populate the lot number for the finished product. Valid values include No default and Work order number. The default value is No default. -
DefaultOvercompletionTolerance: number
Default Overcompletion Tolerance Percentage
Percent of assemblies that you can overcomplete for each job or schedule. -
DefaultPickSlipGroupingRule: integer
Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule
Determines the grouping rule to use as the default for the pick slip in each manufacturing work order. The application shares the set of values with the Picking Rule inventory organization parameter in the Item Sourcing Details tab of the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters page. -
DefaultSupplyLocator: integer
Default Supply Locator
Locator to use when performing a backflushing operation that pulls and assembles components, and that doesn'thave default values defined. The default supply subinventory controls whether or not the locator is required. -
DefaultSupplySubinventory: string
Default Supply Subinventory
Maximum Length:10
Subinventory to use when performing a backflushing operation that pulls and assembles components, and that doesn'thave default values defined. -
DefaultTransactionMode: string
Default Transaction Mode
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:1
Specifies whether to allow inventory management to default the transaction quantity to the required quantity during a material transaction or resource transaction in the work order. -
DefaultTransactionQuantity: string
Default Transaction Quantity
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:4
Enables the default transaction mode. If the user chooses All Mode All Components, then inventory management defaults the resources that it uses for the operation, and the user can create a transaction that uses these resources. -
DefaultUndercompletionTolerance: number
Default Undercompletion Tolerance Percentage
Percent of assemblies that you can undercomplete for each job or schedule. -
DefaultWorkMethod: string
Default Work Method
Maximum Length:30
Value that determines which manufacturing method will be the default when defining the work definition. Valid values include Discrete or Process. -
DefaultWorkOrderTravelerTemplate: string
Maximum Length:
Layout template to use when printing the work order traveler. -
EnableIotFlag: boolean
Enable synchronization to IoT Production Monitoring
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant is synchronized to Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service. If false, then the plant isn't synchronized. The default value is false. -
EnableProcessManufacturingFlag: boolean
Enable process manufacturing
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant supports process manufacturing. If false, then the plant only supports discrete manufacturing. The default value is false. -
EnableRoboticsFlag: boolean
Automate manufacturing execution with robotic and industrial equipment
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant uses robotic resources. If false, then the plant doesn't use robotic resources. The default value is false. -
ForecastHorizon: integer
Forecast Horizon in Days
Maximum number of days that the Maintenance Forecast scheduled process calculates. The value for this attribute must be a positive integer. The default value is 30. -
GenerateWorkOrdersHorizon: integer
Generate Work Orders Horizon in Days
Maximum number of days that the Generate Work Order scheduled process calculates. The value for this attribute must be a positive integer. The default value is 7. -
IncludeComponentYieldFlag: boolean
Include component yield in material requirements
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then do not round each decimal quantity. If false, then round each decimal quantity. The default value is false. -
IncludePullComponentsFlag: boolean
Include pull components for pick release
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then pick components that use the supply type operation pull or assembly pull in the work order. If false, then do not pick these components. The default value is false. -
InspectionPlanType: string
Inspection Plan Type
Maximum Length:30
Value of the default inspection plan for the maintenance facility. -
IssuePushComponentsFlag: boolean
Issue push components on pick release
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then push components that the application issues directly to the work order. If false, then don't push these components. The default value is false. -
ManuallyIssueAssemblyToReworkWorkOrderFlag: boolean
Manually issue assembly to rework work order
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the assembly must be manually issued for rework. If false, then retain the automatic issuing behavior in the plant. The default value is false. -
ManufacturingCalendarId: integer
Manufacturing Calendar
Value that uniquely identifies the schedule that the organization references as the manufacturing calendar. This attribute is required. -
ManufacturingCalendarName: string
The name of the schedule that the organization references as the manufacturing calendar.
MaterialReportingLevel: string
Material Reporting Level for Serialization Operations
Maximum Length:30
Determines the level when the dispatch list displays material reporting icons. -
MaximumSchedulingDurationInMonths: integer
Maximum Scheduling Duration in Months
Default Value:12
Maximum allowed duration in months to use when scheduling a work order. The minimum value is 3 months and the maximum value is 48 months. The default value is 12 months. -
OperationSequenceIncrement: integer
Operation Sequence Increment
Default Value:10
Value that increments the sequence number for each new operation added in the work definition. -
OrganizationId: integer
Value that uniquely identifies the item or inventory organization. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates an item or inventory organization.
PhantomOperationInherit: string
Phantom Operation Inheritance
Maximum Length:18
Default Value:1
Determines whether to charge the components, resources, and overhead from the phantom work definition, or to get them from the operation sequence that's defined for the parent work item. -
PrintLabelExternallyFlag: boolean
Print product labels using external applications
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then call a business event that uses an application outside of Oracle Fusion applications to print the label. If false, then use an Oracle Fusion Application to print the label. The default value is false. -
PrintPickSlipsFlag: boolean
Print pick slips
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then print the pick slips. If false, then do not print the pick slips. The default value is false. -
PurchaseRequisitionCreationTime: string
Purchase Requisition Trigger
Maximum Length:30
Threshold to use when creating purchase requisitions for a work order that involves a supplier operation, and that requires outside processing. -
QuantityChangeBackflush: string
Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:1
Determines whether or not Oracle Inventory Management Cloud allows a change to the transaction quantity in the work order. -
RestrictLotsDuringReturnsFlag: boolean
Restrict lot numbers during returns
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then during returns, the choices for the lot are restricted to only those that have been transacted for the manufactured item. If false, then any lot can be selected. The default value is false. -
StartingOperationSequence: integer
Starting Operation Sequence
Default Value:10
Default sequence number for the first operation in a new work definition. -
StartStopCaptureLevel: string
Maximum Length:
Determines how to capture time for each serial operation that occurs when performing the work order. Valid values include Operation Serial or Item Serial. -
WorkOrderPrefix: string
Work Order Prefix
Maximum Length:30
Alphanumeric text to add as a prefix to the work order name when creating the work order name. -
WorkOrderStartingNumber: integer
Default Value:
The starting numeric value to use in the document sequence when creating each work order number at the plant.
Supported Media Types
- application/json
Default Response
The following table describes the default response for this task.
If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Root Schema : inventoryOrganizations-plantParameters-item-response
Show Source
AllowDirectPurchasesForWorkOrdersFlag: boolean
Allow direct purchases for work orders
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then allow a work definition to access self-service procurement. If false, then do not allow this access. The default value is false. -
AllowNegativeIssueWithoutSerialNumberEntryFlag: boolean
Allow negative issue without serial number entry
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then removing a part from a procured finished good will not require the user to specify the serial number of the part. If false, then removing a part from a procured finished good will require the user to specify the serial number of the part. The default value is false. -
AllowReservationsOnWorkOrdersFlag: boolean
Allow reservations for work order materials
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the work order allows reservations on specified materials. If false, then reservations are not permitted. The default value is false. -
AutoAssociateSerialNumberWorkOrderImportFlag: boolean
Automatically associate serial numbers during work order import
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:true
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then create serial numbers and associate them with a job. If false, then do not create serial numbers. The default value is true. -
BackflushLotSelection: string
Lot Selection During Backflush
Maximum Length:30
Determines the lots to use when performing a backflush. Valid values include Manual, First In First Out, or First Expiration First Out. -
CreatedBy: string
Read Only:
Maximum Length:64
User who created the record. -
CreationDate: string
Read Only:
Date and time when the user created the record. -
DefaultCompletionLocator: integer
Default Completion Locator
Locator to use to store the product upon completion if the default isn't defined. The default completion subinventory controls whether or not the locator is required. -
DefaultCompletionSubinventory: string
Default Completion Subinventory
Maximum Length:10
Subinventory to use to store the product upon completion if the default isn't defined. -
DefaultIncludeInPlanningForBulkSupplyTypeFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default behavior is to include an operation item in planning when the operation item supply type is bulk. If false, then it's not. The default value is true. -
DefaultIncludeInPlanningForSupplierSupplyTypeFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default behavior is to include an operation item in planning when the operation item supply type is supplier. If false, then it's not. The default value is true. -
DefaultLabelTemplate: string
Maximum Length:
Layout template to use when printing labels. -
DefaultLotNumberBehavior: string
Default Lot Number Used for Product Completion
Maximum Length:30
Default Value:ORA_RCS_DLN_NO_DEF
Value that indicates the defaulting method to use to populate the lot number for the finished product. Valid values include No default and Work order number. The default value is No default. -
DefaultOvercompletionTolerance: number
Default Overcompletion Tolerance Percentage
Percent of assemblies that you can overcomplete for each job or schedule. -
DefaultPickSlipGroupingRule: integer
Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule
Determines the grouping rule to use as the default for the pick slip in each manufacturing work order. The application shares the set of values with the Picking Rule inventory organization parameter in the Item Sourcing Details tab of the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters page. -
DefaultSupplyLocator: integer
Default Supply Locator
Locator to use when performing a backflushing operation that pulls and assembles components, and that doesn'thave default values defined. The default supply subinventory controls whether or not the locator is required. -
DefaultSupplySubinventory: string
Default Supply Subinventory
Maximum Length:10
Subinventory to use when performing a backflushing operation that pulls and assembles components, and that doesn'thave default values defined. -
DefaultTransactionMode: string
Default Transaction Mode
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:1
Specifies whether to allow inventory management to default the transaction quantity to the required quantity during a material transaction or resource transaction in the work order. -
DefaultTransactionQuantity: string
Default Transaction Quantity
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:4
Enables the default transaction mode. If the user chooses All Mode All Components, then inventory management defaults the resources that it uses for the operation, and the user can create a transaction that uses these resources. -
DefaultUndercompletionTolerance: number
Default Undercompletion Tolerance Percentage
Percent of assemblies that you can undercomplete for each job or schedule. -
DefaultWorkMethod: string
Default Work Method
Maximum Length:30
Value that determines which manufacturing method will be the default when defining the work definition. Valid values include Discrete or Process. -
DefaultWorkOrderTravelerTemplate: string
Maximum Length:
Layout template to use when printing the work order traveler. -
EnableIotFlag: boolean
Enable synchronization to IoT Production Monitoring
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant is synchronized to Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service. If false, then the plant isn't synchronized. The default value is false. -
EnableProcessManufacturingFlag: boolean
Enable process manufacturing
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant supports process manufacturing. If false, then the plant only supports discrete manufacturing. The default value is false. -
EnableRoboticsFlag: boolean
Automate manufacturing execution with robotic and industrial equipment
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant uses robotic resources. If false, then the plant doesn't use robotic resources. The default value is false. -
ForecastHorizon: integer
Forecast Horizon in Days
Maximum number of days that the Maintenance Forecast scheduled process calculates. The value for this attribute must be a positive integer. The default value is 30. -
GenerateWorkOrdersHorizon: integer
Generate Work Orders Horizon in Days
Maximum number of days that the Generate Work Order scheduled process calculates. The value for this attribute must be a positive integer. The default value is 7. -
IncludeComponentYieldFlag: boolean
Include component yield in material requirements
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then do not round each decimal quantity. If false, then round each decimal quantity. The default value is false. -
IncludePullComponentsFlag: boolean
Include pull components for pick release
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then pick components that use the supply type operation pull or assembly pull in the work order. If false, then do not pick these components. The default value is false. -
InspectionPlanType: string
Inspection Plan Type
Maximum Length:30
Value of the default inspection plan for the maintenance facility. -
IssuePushComponentsFlag: boolean
Issue push components on pick release
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then push components that the application issues directly to the work order. If false, then don't push these components. The default value is false. -
LastUpdateDate: string
Read Only:
Date and time when the user most recently updated the record. -
LastUpdatedBy: string
Read Only:
Maximum Length:64
User who most recently updated the record. -
links: array
The link relations associated with the resource instance. -
ManuallyIssueAssemblyToReworkWorkOrderFlag: boolean
Manually issue assembly to rework work order
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the assembly must be manually issued for rework. If false, then retain the automatic issuing behavior in the plant. The default value is false. -
ManufacturingCalendarId: integer
Manufacturing Calendar
Value that uniquely identifies the schedule that the organization references as the manufacturing calendar. This attribute is required. -
ManufacturingCalendarName: string
The name of the schedule that the organization references as the manufacturing calendar.
MaterialReportingLevel: string
Material Reporting Level for Serialization Operations
Maximum Length:30
Determines the level when the dispatch list displays material reporting icons. -
MaximumSchedulingDurationInMonths: integer
Maximum Scheduling Duration in Months
Default Value:12
Maximum allowed duration in months to use when scheduling a work order. The minimum value is 3 months and the maximum value is 48 months. The default value is 12 months. -
OperationSequenceIncrement: integer
Operation Sequence Increment
Default Value:10
Value that increments the sequence number for each new operation added in the work definition. -
OrganizationId: integer
Value that uniquely identifies the item or inventory organization. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates an item or inventory organization.
PhantomOperationInherit: string
Phantom Operation Inheritance
Maximum Length:18
Default Value:1
Determines whether to charge the components, resources, and overhead from the phantom work definition, or to get them from the operation sequence that's defined for the parent work item. -
PrintLabelExternallyFlag: boolean
Print product labels using external applications
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then call a business event that uses an application outside of Oracle Fusion applications to print the label. If false, then use an Oracle Fusion Application to print the label. The default value is false. -
PrintPickSlipsFlag: boolean
Print pick slips
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then print the pick slips. If false, then do not print the pick slips. The default value is false. -
PurchaseRequisitionCreationTime: string
Purchase Requisition Trigger
Maximum Length:30
Threshold to use when creating purchase requisitions for a work order that involves a supplier operation, and that requires outside processing. -
QuantityChangeBackflush: string
Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush
Maximum Length:1
Default Value:1
Determines whether or not Oracle Inventory Management Cloud allows a change to the transaction quantity in the work order. -
RestrictLotsDuringReturnsFlag: boolean
Restrict lot numbers during returns
Maximum Length:1
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then during returns, the choices for the lot are restricted to only those that have been transacted for the manufactured item. If false, then any lot can be selected. The default value is false. -
StartingOperationSequence: integer
Starting Operation Sequence
Default Value:10
Default sequence number for the first operation in a new work definition. -
StartStopCaptureLevel: string
Maximum Length:
Determines how to capture time for each serial operation that occurs when performing the work order. Valid values include Operation Serial or Item Serial. -
WorkOrderPrefix: string
Work Order Prefix
Maximum Length:30
Alphanumeric text to add as a prefix to the work order name when creating the work order name. -
WorkOrderStartingNumber: integer
Default Value:
The starting numeric value to use in the document sequence when creating each work order number at the plant.
Nested Schema : Links
The link relations associated with the resource instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : link
Show Source
href: string
hyperlink reference
The URI to the related resource. -
kind: string
Allowed Values:[ "collection", "item", "describe", "other" ]
The kind of the related resource. -
name: string
The name of the link to the related resource. -
properties: object
rel: string
Allowed Values:[ "self", "lov", "parent", "canonical", "child", "enclosure", "action", "custom" ]
The name of the relation to the resource instance. Example: self.
Nested Schema : properties
Show Source
changeIndicator: string
Change indicator or the ETag value of the resource instance.