Create Collaboration Relationships from Relationship Candidates

Collaboration relationship candidates provide visibility into the unprocessed or B2B-only transactions for active collaboration plans that aren't being managed by Supply Chain Collaboration because of missing setup data. You can select relationship candidates that aren't collaborated on and convert them to collaboration relationships on the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page.

Note: You can select relationship candidates that are sourced from an external source system and convert them to collaboration relationships.
  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supply Collaboration Network in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page, select Relationship candidates.

  3. Search for the relationship candidates that aren't collaborated on and:

    • To convert only a few relationship candidates, select the rows in the search results and click Actions > Convert to Relationships.

    • To convert all the relationship candidates in the search results, click Actions > Convert All Search Results.

    You can now edit the relationships individually or all at once.

When you create the collaboration relationship from a collaboration relationship candidate, the unprocessed order forecasts still within the interface tables will be published using the Prepare Candidate Order Forecasts for Decomposition scheduled process. This scheduled process is automatically initiated after the candidates are converted.


You must set the collaboration attributes calculated during the first publish of a collaboration cycle such as UOM Definition Source, Commit SLA, and Forecast and Commit Horizons at the time of editing relationships so that they're considered when republishing.