Define an Aggregation Schedule

To define an aggregation schedule:

  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Define Aggregation Schedule in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Define Aggregation Schedule page, select an active schedule. Alternatively, you can search for the active schedule based on the schedule name, quarterly type, the effective from date, or the effective to date.

  3. Select one of the following displayed aggregation level:

    • Week and day: The forecasts are aggregated at a weekly level.

    • Period and day: The forecasts are aggregated based on the quarterly type selected for the active schedule.

  4. Click Save and Close.

If you are modifying the aggregation schedule, the changes will not take effect until the next planning cycle. Until the end of the current active planning cycle, there may be a mismatch in the counts displayed for the exceptions and order forecasts. For example, if you are changing the aggregation schedule from monthly to weekly, there may be a mismatch in the exception counts until the current monthly planning cycle ends.