Overview of Supply Collaboration

You can use the Supply Chain Collaboration work area to view open collaboration tasks and monitor order forecast commit status. You can also view exceptions that potentially need attention.

In the Oracle Supplier Portal Overview work area, suppliers can participate in supply collaboration by reviewing and responding to order forecasts.

Use supply collaboration to:

  • Publish supply plans from Oracle Planning Central or Oracle Supply Planning, which can be analyzed and shared with suppliers as order forecasts. You can collaborate on supply plans published from Planning Central or Supply Planning using organizations and items defined within the Oracle Fusion product data model or items and organizations defined in Supply Planning imported from an external source system.

    Note: A supply plan that's partly defined in an Oracle application and partly in an external system isn't supported.

    For more information on collecting planning data from others and external source systems, see the Using Supply Planning guide.

  • Allow suppliers to view and analyze the order forecasts and commit by using Supplier Portal, Business to Business (B2B) messaging, or web services.

  • Allow Supply Chain Collaboration Planners to review all published forecasts and commits by using the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.

  • Manage exceptions by using the Supply Chain Collaboration work area. The exceptions may be due to:

    • Past due commits, where the supplier hasn't committed by the agreed commit due date established in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

    • Forecast changes, where the current cycle forecast quantity has changed from the previous cycle.

    • Commit mismatches, where the committed quantity is less than the forecast quantity for a given date.

  • Manage a trading partner network by using the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page.