Search for Order Forecasts

You can view the order forecasts and their commit data by searching for them on the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.

  • On the Oracle Supplier Portal, Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, you can only search for order forecasts that list you as the supplier.

  • On the Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration, Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, you can search for order forecasts based on multiple parameters, such as, the supplier and their corresponding supplier sites.

    Note: All quantities are displayed in the order forecast's collaboration unit of measure. You can set the UOM definition source on the collaboration relationship to set the order forecast's unit of measure.

When using advanced search:

  • You can search for all order forecasts across all suppliers that you have access to by using the Ship-to field, where the ship-to organization has view access to the order forecast sent to its supplier.

  • You can search for order forecasts and commits that support drop ship relationships on the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page by using the Drop Ship attribute. You can aggregate the forecast quantity by collaboration plan, supplier site, item, organization, time bucket, and order type.