Manage Supply Lines

Use the Manage Supply Lines page to get details about supply lines. For example, get details about the Buy supply lines for a back-to-back sales order.

  1. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then do one of:

    • Click Tasks > Manage Supply Lines

    • Click a link in Current State area.

  2. On the Manage Supply Lines page, in the Supply Order Number column, click a link to get details about the supply lines in a sales order.

  3. Use the Supply Order Details page that displays to examine supply line details for the sales order.

Cancel Supply Lines for Work Orders That Involve Outside Processing

Keep your supply lines up to date with your work orders. If Oracle Purchasing hasn't created a requisition for or cancels the purchase order for a work order, then you can use the Supply Orchestration work area to cancel the supply line that fulfills the work order. Canceling the supply line allows manufacturing to resend the request.

On the Supply Order Details page, click the supply line you need to cancel, then click Cancel Supply Line.

  • You can only cancel a line that involves outside processing, and when Purchasing hasn't created a purchase requisition for the supply or cancels the purchase order for the work order that creates supply. If the line doesn't meet these conditions, then the Cancel Supply Line action isn't available.

  • If you sign into Oracle Applications with a custom job role that references the Supply Chain Operations Manager role, then your Supply Chain Administrator must add the Cancel Supply Lines privilege to your custom role.

Select an Alternative Source for Your Supply

You can manually select an alternative supply source to fulfill a sales order in your back-to-back flow. Use it to quickly recover from an unexpected disruption in real time and keep fulfillment on track and on time.

Sometimes the original supply source for a sales order might get canceled in your back-to-back flow, or an unexpected supply disruption might happen when fulfilling the sales order. For example, a supplier might cancel a purchase order, or someone might allocate a reserved work order to a higher priority sales order.

Create a replacement supply to recover from an unexpected disruption.

  1. On the Manage Supply Lines page, use the Exception Date attribute to search for supply lines that are in exception.

  2. In the search results, click a link in the Supply Order Number column.

  3. On the Supply Order Details page, click the supply line that's in exception, click Action then select one of these actions:
    • Create Supply from the Best Alternate Source

    • Recreate Supply from Original Source

    Supply Chain Orchestration will use your aciton to fulfill the sales order. It will update the supply status for each sales order in your back-to-back flow so you can track fulfillment in real time.