Considerations for Converting a Component to a Bill of Materials

If new or redesigned product concept structures are complete, or if a solution alternative meets all the assigned requirements, transform the concept structure into an item assembly for further cost, sourcing, and compliance checks, and finally, for product manufacture.

Converting Concept Components

When you convert a concept component to an Agile PLM item, the component becomes a read-only link to the item and replaces the concept component in the concept structure. The converted concept component and all its related data cease to exist.

If the concept component you converted had its own structure comprising lower-level components and item links, it appears as an item assembly link in Concept Design afterward. Remember, you can convert approved concepts and concept components to Agile PLM items.

Converting References

When you convert a concept component to an Agile PLM item, you can copy its reference data, including links, to design files and other attachments.

Upon conversion, component attachments appear as file attachments of the item, while designs appear as design relationships in the item metadata within the Agile PLM application.

Any references that you don't convert along with the concept component are deleted from Oracle Innovation Management permanently.

Converting Requirements

When you convert a concept component with requirements assigned to it, or to its lower-level components, the requirements links point to the newly created item.

Converting the Concept Structure of Solution Alternatives

You can convert the structure of only one solution alternative per concept to an Agile PLM item assembly, including its designs and attachments.

Use the Solution Alternative Filter to select a solution alternative for conversion. If successfully converted, the newly created item assembly replaces the concept.

Note: When this happens, remember that the other solution alternatives in the concept are deleted. To retain the other solution alternatives, copy the concept structure using the Save As option from the Actions menu, before converting the concept to an item.

Converting Data Fields

When you convert a concept component containing administrator-defined fields to an Agile PLM item, only the Text fields are currently copied to the Agile PLM item.

Trying to convert a concept component that includes administrator-defined data types other than text fields may result in an error.