Edit Component Specifications

Specifications are attributes, including target and actual metric values, of the concept, concept components, and item links in a concept structure. Attributes displayed in the Specifications pane of the Edit Concept page, depend on the structure element you select.

Attributes are grouped into the categories General Information and Additional Information, the latter consisting of Attachments, Designs, and Relationships.

Note: Contact your administrator to edit flexfield attributes.

Concept and Component Specifications

Use spider charts for analyzing solution alternatives; ensure that the target cost, target power, and target weight values of the root concept are present.

The specifications of a concept component lets you measure component score and variance in actual and estimated metrics - cost, weight, and power - individually. You can also include Lead Time, Risk, Compliance, and Supplier information for each component.

Item Specifications

You can't edit the attributes of items in the concept structure that are linked from the Agile PLM, and PD applications. To do so, convert the item to a concept component, or edit the item attributes in the original application.

Item specifications affect the metric calculations of a concept. The attributes Quantity and Alternative define the usage of an item in a higher-level concept component.

Attachments, Designs, and Relationships

Additional Information in the Specifications pane can include links to concept design versions, competing concept designs, Agile PLM objects, design files, and URL attachments.

Link references to concept designs and concept components, but not Agile PLM items, because they're stored outside the server.

Files are stored in the application server while referenced Agile PLM objects are stored in the Agile PLM server. You can't edit referenced Agile PLM objects in Oracle Innovation Management directly. View or edit referenced attachments, documents, and designs in their native authoring or design applications.

Relationships are objects that provide additional design inputs, or test results as design feedback, for concept designs and concept components.

You can associate an Agile PLM object with an Oracle PLM object as a relationship, which is visible in Agile also. These associations are version-specific; the relationships table in Oracle PLM displays the linked version of an item, irrespective of newer versions that may be available.

If you delete a relationship to an Agile PLM object in Oracle PLM, the association is removed in Agile PLM also.

When you convert a concept component, you may preserve all links to Agile PLM documents, designs, or attachments referenced in the component. You may preserve URL attachments in a document, created in Agile PLM for the URL attachment, during the conversion process.

Attachments are converted to documents of specific document type, while designs remain design links, and both are linked to the converted item.

You can map most document types to Agile PLM attachments upon conversion; other document relationships must remain design links or be consolidated into a single document in the Agile PLM application.

If you're authorized to work with tasks and work items in Oracle Projects as well as in Oracle Innovation Management, you can view Project tasks associated with Oracle PLM objects, in the Relationships panel. Alternatively, you can search for a Project task from the concept design work area, and add it as a Relationship to the active concept or component.