How You Track Receiving Details of Procured Items in Manufacturing

Review and track the items for which your organization has created requisitions on the Purchased Item Details page. You can select the Details icon beside any of the purchased item for a work order operation to further drill down into the details of purchase order lines and receipt lines. While reviewing the Purchasing Details, you can also click on any purchase order line and review the receipt details for that line.

The following table lists all the details that you can view in the Receiving Details section for a particular purchase order line that you have selected.




You can click on the specific receipt identification number to view the document and track the received quantities of the purchased item.

Line Status

Status of a specific receipt line for the purchase order.


Quantity of purchased item that has been delivered to the work order.

Transaction Date

Date on which the delivery transaction was reported.

Transacted By

Name of the person who completed the delivery transaction.

If you're not satisfied with the delivered items, you can return the items. You can also take the following actions from Receiving:

  • Correct: You can correct clerical errors in delivered quantity or in returns to receiving and return to suppliers. This will correct the receipt quantity if the status is Deliver, or it will correct the returned quantity if the line status is Return to Supplier or Return to Receiving.

  • Return to Supplier: You can initiate a return of the purchased item to directly to the supplier from whom you procured the item. This can be done if the receipt line status is Deliver.

  • Return to Receiving: You can initiate a return of the purchased item to directly to the receiving department. This can be done if the receipt line status is Deliver.

Note: For amount-based purchase orders, you can only correct the amount. You can't return the item to supplier or receiving.