How Asset Meters Get Automatically Associated

When you define or update a meter template using REST APIs, you can associate inventory items as child resources of the template using the Meter Applicability child resource.

When you create a new asset, either manually, via services, or upload, the application looks to see if there a meter applicability for the asset's item. If there is a match, then the application automatically creates an asset meter for the asset. Thus, you get a seamless process for the automatic creation of asset meters and supports the standardization of asset meters across similar types of assets that share a common item.

The meter applicability is defined for the item at the master organization level. This is because items are uniquely created for the master and all its associated organizations. Therefore, defining the applicability at the master organization allows for any asset created in one of its associated organizations to be validated for the automatic creation of an asset meter.

The meter applicability is further controlled by a start and end date. Only a start date is required to activate the applicability definition. Once an end date is set and reached in time, the applicability will be deactivated.

Use the following actions in Meter Template REST API for this purpose:

  • Use the POST method to create new inventory item associations by organization.

  • Use the GET method to obtain the inventory item applicability for a meter template definition.

  • Use the PATCH method to edit certain attributes of an inventory item association for a meter template definition.