How You Edit a Maintenance Program

You can edit a maintenance program on the Maintenance Program page. On the Tasks pane, click the Manage Maintenance Programs link. On the Maintenance Programs page, search for the maintenance program that you want to edit. Click on the program name. The maintenance program opens on the Maintenance Program page in edit mode.

Edit Maintenance Program Details

On the Maintenance Program: Overview tab, you can edit the following attributes of the program.

Attribute Description
Name The name of the maintenance program.
Code The code of the maintenance program.
Concurrent Requirements The option to determine how are concurrent work requirements used when creating the forecast and work orders. The valid values are:
  • Suppress: The work requirement with the highest cycle interval is included when creating the forecast and work order. In other words, the work requirement with a lower cycle interval is suppressed by a work requirement with a higher cycle interval.
  • Merge: The work requirements are merged when creating the forecast and work order.

The Merge and Suppress options default to each work requirement. Optionally, you can choose to override the option at the requirement level.

Note: It is recommended for an administrator to set the parameter, Allow Suppress and Merge Across Work Requirements in a Maintenance Program to No on the Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters page located within the Setup and Maintenance work area. Otherwise, certain work requirement definitions for the same asset may consider merge and suppress across work requirements making it difficult to model, manage, and recognize in a forecast. Merge and Suppress is recommended to only be setup within a work requirement.
Start Date The start date of the maintenance program.
End Date The end date of the maintenance program.
Program Type Option used to identify the type of program used to forecast due dates for Maintenance (default) or Subscription assets. This field is for reference only.
Program Subtype Optional field used to identify the subtype of program. The values are user-defined in the lookup ORA_MNT_MX_PROGRAM_SUB_TYPE.
Allow assets from other organizations Option that enables assets in other organizations, within the same master organization, to be considered in a work requirement and maintenance forecast.
  • By default, this option is unselected. This means that only assets operating in the same maintenance organization as the program will be considered.
  • If selected, a work requirement will consider assets from other organizations. However, you must define organizational relationships for work orders to be created.
Note: The option can only be set and updated until the first work order is created for a program. Therefore, existing programs that have work orders already created can’t be enabled or disabled from allowing assets from other organizations.
Program Reference Optional reference for a program. An example could be an OEM repair manual reference or a subscription unique identifier.
Forecast Window in Days Optional value that represents the number of days into the future the maintenance forecast will be created for all work requirements in the program. If not defined, then either the number of days value at a work requirement or the organization parameter will be used. The lowest level of definition will take precedence.

It is recommended to define a value at the program header for visibility, or if the expected forecast horizon is different than the default number of days value defined in the organization parameters. You should set a value that generally considers all or most work requirements in the program, providing a consistent baseline expectation for the forecast horizon of the program. Optionally, you can define different forecast windows at the work requirement level if they require a forecast for a shorter, but generally longer, horizon.

Work Order Window in Days Optional value that represents the number of days into the future that work orders will be created for all work requirements in the program. If not defined, then either the number of days value at a work requirement or the organization parameter will be used. The lowest level of definition will take precedence.

It is recommended to define a value at the program header for visibility, or if the expected work order horizon is different than the default number of days value defined in the organization parameters. You should set a value that generally considers all or most work requirements in the program, providing a consistent baseline expectation for the work order horizon of the program. Optionally, you can define different work order windows at the work requirement level if they require a forecast for a shorter, but generally longer, horizon.

Work Order Start Time Option to set the start time of a work order that is created for a due date:
  • The value you set is considered during the creation of work order scheduler.
  • If you don't set any value, a default value of 8:00 AM is used as the start time.
Note: Defining a start time may be helpful if you have shifts that begin before 8:00AM daily. Shift definitions and setup affects the start time of a work order. See Work Order Scheduling in the Using Manufacturing guide to learn more.
Work Order Time Zone Option to set the time zone of a work order that is created for a due date. For newly created programs, the time zone will default from your user preferences but can be edited. For existing programs, the time zone will default to UTC if not defined.

It is recommended to set a time zone that matches where the affected assets operate and are maintained. If they are centrally managed or maintained outside of operating organizations, it is recommended to set this value to UTC. Care should be taken before setting this value if you have operations that span time zones for assets within the same program or have users that are viewing due dates across time zones.

Note: In general, your user preferences will determine which time zone is considered when viewing dates and times in the user interface. Therefore, when viewing forecast and work orders dates and times, the user interface will adjust the values to match your preferences.
Attachments The attachments in the maintenance program. It can be of file, text, or URL type.
Description The description of the maintenance program.
Program Reviewed By The name of the reviewer performing the maintenance program audit.
Review Date The date on which the review is performed.
Review Comments Comments added for the review by the reviewer.

Create and Edit Work Requirements

The Maintenance Program: Work Requirements tab lists the work requirements associated with the maintenance program. On this tab, you can create new work requirements, and edit and delete the existing work requirements for a maintenance program.

View Gantt Chart View of the Maintenance Program Forecast

On the Maintenance Program: Forecast Gantt Chart View tab, you can view the Gantt chart view of the maintenance program forecast. The page renders due dates in the forecast for a period of two weeks into the past and two weeks into the future by default. You can adjust the date range to and from date values and click Apply to refine your search. Additionally, you can further refine the results by using the Search and Filter options in the Gantt Chart header region.

With Search, you can select an attribute to search by in the drop down, enter a value in the search field, and then click the spyglass icon to execute the search. Click the Filter icon to render a dialog box where you can enter values for one or many attributes that can be used to filter the results. When a filter is applied, you can use the Reset action button to clear the filters.

Note: The Gantt Chart only displays a maximum of 500 results from the Maintenance Forecast. So, you may find that some assets or due dates aren’t displayed upon rendering. Use the Date Range, Search and Filter options to limit the number of forecast records that are retrieved, which may improve the Gantt chart results. In general, the Gantt Chart is used to confirm the forecast is correctly generating for the assets over time during work requirement modeling. It doesn’t provide a comprehensive planning solution for preventative maintenance. If additional forecast details are required, we recommended you use the OTBI Maintenance Subject Area entitled Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time. You can create an analysis following the example provided in this user guide in this chapter Reports and Analytics > OTBI for Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

View Calendar View of the Maintenance Program Forecast

On the Maintenance Program: Forecast Calendar View tab, you can view the calendar view of the maintenance program forecast. The calendar view enables you to check the competency of your maintenance program and review the generated workload.