How You Manage Maintenance Programs

The Maintenance Programs page serves as the starting page for searching for the programs, viewing the program details, and creating new program. Click on the Manage Maintenance Programs link on the Tasks pane to open the Maintenance Programs page.

Search for Maintenance Programs

You can perform a basic keyword search for an existing maintenance program based on the maintenance program name or code. You can narrow the search result by performing an advanced search using the filters. The filters enable you to perform a search based on other attributes of the maintenance program such as maintenance program name, asset, item, work definition, work requirement name, start date and so on.

You can save the frequently used search criteria, and it's shown in the Search drop-down list. You can also run a search automatically by creating a saved search and setting it as default. When you have a default search criterion, the maintenance programs matching the search criteria are displayed automatically whenever the Maintenance Programs page is opened.

Create Maintenance Programs

Before you create a maintenance program, ensure these setups and definitions are completed:

  • Maintenance organizations have been created and configured. Define organizations for every inventory location where an asset can be maintained.

  • Set the Consider Organization Relationships When Creating Maintenance Work Orders Program parameter to No, unless you wish to define and manage Organization relationships. See the How You Create Maintenance Programs topic to learn more.
  • Set the Allow Suppress and Merge Across Work Requirements in a Maintenance Program parameter to No in the Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters in the Setup and Maintenance work area. This setting is optional if you don't model forecasts to merge and suppress across work requirements.
  • Items, meter templates, assets and asset meters have been created in the context organization, as well as every organization where an asset can be maintained.

  • Work definitions have been created in the context organization, as well as every organization where an asset can be maintained. Work definitions must have the Code value defined in order to support assets across organizations using a common work requirement.

  • Condition event codes have been created (optional).

  • Historical accomplishment data is available (optional).

On the Create Maintenance Program page, you can provide basic information to create a maintenance program. Then, you can edit the maintenance program to include the work requirements.

View and Edit Maintenance Programs

You can click the program name to view and edit the program details. You can also create the work requirements for the maintenance program and view the maintenance program in Gantt chart mode and calendar mode.

The Maintenance Program page contains the following tabs:

  • Overview tab: Displays the maintenance program details. You can also edit the maintenance program details.

  • Work Requirements tab: Enables you to create and edit the work requirements for the maintenance program. Includes navigation to an Affected Assets page.

  • Forecast Gantt Chart View tab: Displays the maintenance program in Gantt chart mode.

  • Forecast Calendar View tab: Displays the maintenance program in calendar mode.