How You Manage Maintenance Work Areas

A work area is the specific region in a maintenance organization where the maintenance activities are executed. In other words, a work area identifies a physical, geographical, or logical grouping of work centers.

At least one work area must be defined for a maintenance organization. However, a maintenance organization can have one or more work areas defined within it. A work area consists of one or more work centers within it. Maintenance technicians can report material, resource, and operation transactions performed at work centers that belong to a specific work area.

The Manage Work Areas page serves as a starting point to create, edit, and delete the work areas. To access the Manage Work Areas page, based on your security privilege, you can do either of the following:

  • In the Maintenance Management work area, in the Tasks pane, click the Manage Maintenance Work Areas link in the Maintenance Setup category.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Maintenance Management

    • Task: Manage Maintenance Work Area

Create, Edit, and Delete Work Areas

You create a work area by providing a unique name and code for the work area.

A work area is deactivated or reactivated by updating the Inactive On field. When a work area is deactivated, the work area isn't available for further use until it's reactivated.

You can delete or deactivate a work area if either of the following is true:

  • The work area has no associated work center.

  • The work area has no active work center associated with it.