How You Manage Maintenance Work Definition Versions

Using the versioning feature, you can implement and track changes to the maintenance work definitions. A maintenance work definition version defines the dates for which a maintenance process is effective. Every work definition has at least one effective version at any given time, starting with the base version which can be future dated. A work definition always has an effective start date, whereas the effective end date can be null.

Here are the predefined business rules for creation of a new version based on changes in a maintenance work definition.


Predefined Business Rule

Adding a new operation

A new version is mandatory only if the work definition being edited is currently effective, meaning that the version start date is earlier than or equal to the application date.

Deleting an existing operation

A new version is mandatory only if the work definition being edited is currently effective, meaning that the version start date is earlier than or equal to the application date.

Any other changes

A new version is optional. Changes to an existing version would make them applicable from the effective start date of that version.

Note: For a work definition that's future effective, you can decide on which changes would necessitate a work definition version.

Create a Work Definition Version

Use either of these navigational flows to create a work definition version.

  • On the Manage Maintenance Work Definitions page, click the Versions icon. The Manage Versions dialog box opens. Click the Add icon and a new row with pre-populated data is shown. You can modify this data as per your needs.

  • On the Edit Work Definition page, from the Actions menu, select Manage Versions.

Note: When you create a version, the current application date and time is set as the start date of the work definition version. Ensure you have the correct start date before saving the version. When saved, the start date can't be updated. Also, if the start date of the prior version is a future date, the default start date is null.

Typically, maintenance work definition changes are modeled by creating a future effective work definition version.

Here's a table listing the fields and their corresponding values that you must choose to create a work definition version.




Enter a version number to uniquely identify the work definition version.

Start Date

Date from which the work definition version becomes effective.

Edit a Work Definition Version

After you save a version, you can't edit the version and start date because these attributes are the unique identifiers of the version. However, you can edit the maintenance work definition itself.

Delete a Work Definition Version

Delete a work definition version by clicking the Versions icon on the Manage Maintenance Work Definitions page. You can't delete past and current effective work definition versions. You can delete a future effective version if it's not the first version created. To maintain data integrity, you can't delete a future effective version if it's referenced by work orders or used in published cost scenarios