How You Manage Maintenance Work Definitions in the User Interface

The Maintenance Work Definition page allows you to manage current and future versions of maintenance work definitions. You can open the page from the Tasks pane by clicking the Manage Maintenance Work Definitions link.

By default, the page will display a list of active work definitions. Here are the actions you can perform on this page:

  • Search for a work definition
  • Create a new work definition
  • Edit a version of a work definition
  • Create a new version of a work definition
  • Delete a version of a work definition
  • Deactivate a version of a work definition
  • Export a list of all work definitions to an Excel file
  • Print a work definition report for a selected work definition from the results table

Search for a Work Definition

On the Maintenance Work Definition page, you can perform a basic search for an existing maintenance work definition based on the work definition name and version. You can narrow the search result by performing an advanced search using the filters. The filters enable you to perform a search based on other attributes of the maintenance work definition such as work definition name, work definition description, work order type, work order subtype, version status, start date, operation item, operation resource, and operation work center. You can also export the search results to a spreadsheet.

You can save the frequently used search criteria, and it will be shown in the Search drop-down list. You can also run a search automatically by creating a saved search and setting it as default. When you have a default search criteria, the maintenance work definitions matching the search criteria are displayed automatically whenever the Maintenance Work Definition page is opened.

Create a Work Definition

You can create a new maintenance work definition in the Create Maintenance Work Definition dialog box. To open the dialog box, click the Add icon or select Add from the Actions menu on the Maintenance Work Definition page. You can create a new maintenance work definition by providing all the required information or by copying the information from an existing maintenance work definition. You must define at least one operation, either manually or based on a standard operation to create and edit the new work definition using the visual designer page.

Edit a Work Definition

You can edit a maintenance work definition on the Edit Maintenance Work Definition page. To open the page, click the work definition name link in the search results table on the Maintenance Work Definition page. You can also select the work definition row in the search results table and select Edit from the Actions menu. You can then edit the work definition using the visual designer page.

Create a New Version of a Work Definition

You can create a new version of a maintenance work definition directly from the results table. A new version allows for greater capabilities than editing an existing version. To create a new version, click the pencil icon next to the version number in the result row, which will render Manage versions dialogue box. You can then click the + plus icon to create a new version row. Use the system incremented version number, or define your own sequential value, and enter a future start date and time. Click Save and Edit or Save and Close to save the new version.

The new version start date can be before or after another future version’s start date. If it's before, then it will be created with an end date and time that is 1 minute before the start date of the future version. If it's created after a future version, then the future version will be updated with an end date and time that is 1 minute before the start date of the new version.

Delete a Work Definition

You can delete a future version or all versions of a maintenance work definition directly from the results table. To delete a future version, click the pencil icon next to the version number in the result row, which will render Manage versions dialogue box. You can then select any future version of the work definition from the list and click the X icon to delete it. If you wish to delete all versions of a work definition, select the result row, and select Delete from the Actions menu. There isn't a warning presented, so care should be taken before performing this action.

You can't delete a maintenance work definition if it's being referenced in any maintenance work order or a maintenance program.

Deactivate a Work Definition

You can deactivate all versions of a maintenance work definition directly from the results table. For example, you can deactivate a work definition if the maintenance process it represents is no longer valid. You can't deactivate a maintenance work definition if it's being referenced in any maintenance program.

When you deactivate a work definition, its status changes from Active to Inactive. You can't reactivate or create a new version of a deactivated work definition, but you can:

  • Search and view the deactivated work definition.

  • Create a new work definition by copying the deactivated work definition.

  • Continue to process work orders that use the deactivated work definition