How You Perform Mass Association of Meter Templates

You can do the mass association of meter templates by running the Perform a Mass Association of Meter Templates scheduled process either from the Scheduled Processes work area or from the Meter Template UI.

After the scheduled process runs and completes successfully, you see the generated reports in the Scheduled Processes work area.

Run the Process from Scheduled Processes Work Area

  1. From the Scheduled Process work area, click Schedule New Process.
  2. In the Schedule New Process dialog, Name field, enter Perform a Mass Association of Meter Templates and click OK.
  3. In the Process Details dialog, you can configure an optional parameter:
    Scheduled Process Parameter Description
    Meter Template Name of a meter template.
  4. Click Submit to run the process.

    After the scheduled process completes, review the log files. The log files show details such as parameters used for job run, the assets that are newly added to meter templates, and assets that are already associated with the meter templates.

Run the Process From The Meter Templates Page in The Context of an Item

  1. Navigate to the Asset and Work Definition work area and select Manage Meter Templates.
  2. Search for the meter template and navigate to the Edit Meter Template page.
  3. Select the Add applicable items tab and make sure the applicable item is added.
  4. Click the Schedule Mass Asset Update button and note down the process ID.

    This runs the Perform a Mass Association of Meter Templates scheduled process in the context of the item or items mentioned in the add applicable tab. From the Scheduled Processes work area, search for the submitted process ID to track the status of the process. After the process completes, review the log files. The log files show details such as parameters used for job run, the assets that are newly added to meter templates, and assets that are already associated with the meter templates.