How You Report a Material Transaction

The report material transactions feature enables you to report the materials that are consumed in the operation. You can issue materials from inventory to the operation and return the issued materials to inventory. Depending on how the item is set up, you can issue materials from the common inventory or from the project-specific inventory. Dual units of measure is supported in material transactions. If you want to issue an item with dual units of measure, you can specify both the quantities in both the primary and secondary unit of measures.

Items that are issued to an asset using a material transaction are added to the asset’s hierarchy if they are asset-tracked. Else, if not tracked, then they are only consumed by the work order operation.

Material Transactions are reported using several different methods:

  • For items with a supply type of Push, you will report them directly from an operation result row in the Dispatch List using the icon in the report materials column
  • For items that do not have a supply type of Push, and do not require any additional details, then you can automatically report them using the Quick Complete action
  • For items with a supply type of Assembly pull or Operation pull, which require additional details, then you can only report them using the Complete with Details action
  • For reporting items outside of the Dispatch List, then you can report by Work Order and Operation Sequence directly from the Maintenance Management landing page. There is a task under Execution entitled Report Material Transactions. If you enable a certain feature and give users specific privileges, then the page name will change to Issue and Return Materials from Inventory.

Issuing Materials to the Operation

Materials are issued depending on their supply type and if additional details are required to be reported at operation completion. You can report certain material transactions on the Report Material Transactions page, which can be accessed using either of the following methods:

  • On the Maintenance Dispatch List page, view the Report Materials icon for the operation row
    • If the circle region is empty, then hovering over this circle will indicate Manual reporting not required. This means there are not any items with a Supply Type of Push, which require manual reporting if they are to be consumed by the operation. Clicking the circle navigates to the Report Material Transactions page, where you can optionally add one or more items to be consumed in the operation.
    • If the circle region has an icon, then hovering over the icon indicates Manual reporting required. This means that Push materials have been defined. You can optionally report any consumed items by clicking the icon and updating the applicable items rows in the Report Material Transactions page.
    • The Report Material Transactions will not show any items which have a Supply Type of Assembly pull or Operation pull, as they can only be viewed in the Complete with Details flow.
  • In the Tasks pane, in Work Execution, click the Report Material Transactions link.
    • Then, select the work order and work order operation

You can report certain material transactions by using the Quick Complete action on the operation:

  • This method to create the operation transactions in just two clicks. This mode can be used only if the maintenance work order has all the necessary data for the transaction and the transaction doesn't require any additional inputs. You can use the quick complete mode to create multiple operation transactions in one transaction cycle.
    Note: The Quick Complete button is disabled if the work order button is disabled for work orders with a mandatory inspection plan until you enter inspection results for the work orders or when you have materials serialized or lot control materials with supply type with operation pull or assembly pull.

For more information, refer to the Reporting Operation Transactions Using Quick Complete section.

You can report certain material transactions by using the Complete with Details action on the operation:

  • You can use the complete with details method when the transaction requires you to review and update the transaction data, such as materials consumed, resources charged, or even meter entry is required.
  • You can also use this method to provide the additional details for the transaction, such as lot and serial information for the components, supply sub-inventories for the components, and so on.
  • This method requires navigation through multiple pages, known as train stops, providing you the flexibility to update the transaction data that's derived from the work order.
    Note: The Complete with Details button is disabled for work orders with a mandatory inspection plan until you enter inspection results for the work orders.
    For more information, refer to the Reporting Operation Transactions Using Complete with Details.

You can optionally report materials transactions using different versions of the Report Materials Transaction page by enabling the feature Use a Work Order to Install and Remove Asset Parts. This feature will add new capabilities to optionally install and remove parts in the context of an asset hierarchy, as well as adding new capabilities to split the material issue and installation into an asset hierarchy into a two-step process. This is useful for customers who wish to separate these tasks across different user roles.

Here are the feature impacts:

  • If not enabled (default):
    • The existing Report Material Transactions page can be accessed through the task menu, as well as from the Maintenance Dispatch List results rows using the icon entitled: Report Materials
    • The existing page will still be available in an Operation’s Complete with Details action flow by using the Backflush Materials train stop
    • You can't enable the feature Issue or Return Materials for Work Orders Pending Installation or Removal
  • If enabled (via opt-in):
    • The Report Material Transactions page from the Task menu will be replaced by the Issue and Return Material from Inventory page. This page is intended for a Stock Clerk role but supports both a one-step and two-step issue and return process.
    • The Report Material Transactions page will also be enhanced in the Dispatch List results rows as well as the Operation’s Complete with Details action flow by using the Backflush Materials train stop will not change. This page in intended for a Maintenance Technician role to install and remove items from an asset hierarchy.
    • From the Dispatch List, a new icon may be displayed in the circle for a two-step issue and install or remove and return process. Hovering over the icon will indicate Report Material Transactions, meaning that materials of different supply types have already been issued from inventory by the Stock Clerk and are pending the Technician’s action to finalize their installation prior to operation completion. If materials are issued, but not installed at work order completion, then another icon is displayed to the user, indicating the work order can’t be set to Closed status pending installation.
    • Note: This feature includes a validation which prevents work orders from being Closed when issued items have not been installed or returned to inventory.

Issue and Return Material from Inventory Page

This page will be optionally available by opt-in, as described above. If enabled, it will replace Report Material Transactions page from the task menu on the Maintenance Management landing page.

This page is used to issue and return transactions for components using either a one-step or a two-step process. A one-step process can be considered an open shop, where different users can issue/install and remove/return components in an operation. While a two-step process is considered a closed shop, where only certain users can issue and return or install and remove components from a maintenance work order.

A one-step process helps the user issue a component from inventory and install it at a user-selected level in an asset's hierarchy. This process supports the existing flow of material issue transactions, adding the ability to select the parent asset level for installation. Stock Clerk, Maintenance Technician, and Maintenance Manager users don't need any additional user privileges to use this page or perform one-step issue or return transactions. Returns are handled using the same process. You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View items with a supply type of Push, as defined in the operation’s list of items. The To Transact quantity will be governed by the Default Transaction Quantity value set in the Organization’s plant parameters. Setting a value of Both will ensure the To Transact quantity is equal to that of the required quantity.
  • Add new item rows for newly discovered or requested materials
  • Issue components from inventory and create the material transaction. Upon issue, the component is automatically installed to either to the work order asset or optionally, in a hierarchy position within the asset by updating the Parent Asset field.
  • Show previously issued components by clicking the checkbox option. This will generate a list of issued and installed components in this work order and operation context, setting the transaction type to Return. Additionally, the To Transact quantity will be set to previously issued and installed quantity because in most of the cases you will want to remove and return the full quantity. Only Return rows with a quantity greater than 1 will be transacted, removing the items from the hierarchy, and returning them to inventory. Return rows with a quantity of zero will remain in the results list and are available for future Return transactions.
  • Add new item rows to Return previously issued and installed components to inventory

A two-step process allows a user who's assigned a job role that a stock clerk works to issue of a component from inventory, but not install it in the asset’s hierarchy. In this case, the material transaction will be reported, but the installation is pending further reporting if you're responsible for maintenance technician tasks for your enterprise. If you're responsible for stock clerk tasks for your enterprise you need additional user privilege to enable them to perform a two-step issue or return transaction. Returns are handled using the same process.

To configure a two-step process:

  • If you're responsible for stock clerk tasks for your enterprise you need the privilege MNT_WIP_MATERIAL_ISSUE_AND_RETURN_PRIV assigned using a custom role you can only issue and return components using the Issue and Return Material from Inventory page but can’t install them. Additionally, they can't report materials from the Maintenance Dispatch List.
  • If you're responsible for maintenance technician tasks for your enterprise, you need the MNT_WIP_PART_INSTALL_AND_REMOVE_PRIV privilege assigned using a custom role. You can only install and remove components to and from an Asset's hierarchy from the Maintenance Dispatch List. Additionally, they can't access the Issue and Return Material from Inventory page.

Users that are assigned these roles will then have different capabilities when using the page:

  • View material items with supply type of Operation Pull and Assembly Pull, as defined in the operation’s list of items. The To Transact quantity will be governed by the Default Transaction Quantity value set in the Organization’s plant parameters. Setting a value of Both will ensure the To Transact quantity is equal to that of the required quantity.
  • Add new item rows with transaction type defaulted as Issue for newly discovered or requested materials
  • Issue components from inventory and create the material transaction. Upon issue, the material transaction will be created, but the component will not be installed to the work order asset. The hierarchy update will be pending the second step for installation by the Maintenance Technician.
  • Show previously issued components by clicking the checkbox option. This will generate a list of items that were issued but not installed. Else, when the page is rendered you will not be able to see the list of items previously removed by Maintenance Technician user.
    • For items that have been issued, but not installed, the To Transact quantity will be set to zero, requiring you to specify the exact quantity to be returned
    • For items that have been removed, the To Transact quantity will be set to removal quantity
  • note
    Note: If the Maintenance Technician does not install the issued components by the completion of the final operation of a work order, then the work order will be Completed, but it can’t be set to a Closed status. During the work order closing process an error will be raised, requiring a Maintenance Manager to complete the installation or return the unused component. To help identify these issued but not-installed components, a unique icon and hover text is displayed in the materials column in the Dispatch List.

Report Material Transactions

If you enable opt-in, it will update the Report Material Transactions page from the Dispatch List results rows and the Complete with Details flow. This page is also supporting issue and return transactions for components using either a one-step or a two-step process.

Here are its capabilities when using a one-step process:

  • Create issue and return transactions outside of the context of an asset’s hierarchy
    • For each row that's created, you choose the transaction type as issue or return, and then search and select the component details directly in the transaction row
    • Issued and returned components will be updated in the work orders asset’s hierarchy
  • Create issue and return transactions in the context of the work order asset’s hierarchy using the hierarchy viewer, which is displayed below the transaction row table
    • Navigate through the hierarchy levels, or use the search, to find the exact child asset level
    • Use the action icons in the asset node to either issue and install a new child component or remove and return an existing installed asset. The action will automatically create the respective transaction rows in the table.
    • Additionally, for any child asset node in the hierarchy, you can update its parent asset without creating a specific material transaction using the swap action
  • Create issue and return transactions in the same transaction session
    • Perform both the install and removal of assets from the hierarchy at the same time. This includes both tracked and untracked component issue and returns, while also being able to easily return previous issued components from earlier work orders. When returning the previously issued untracked components, the return transaction creates a no-cost miscellaneous return to inventory for the component
    • Additionally, you can use the save button, in addition to the save and close button, to perform multiple transactions without leaving the page
  • Show Previously Issued Components by setting the checkbox option
    • Renders a list of all previously issued components from the work order operation that are eligible for return. Delete the component item rows that are not being returned, thereby processing only the rows that require return.
    • Once saved, the hierarchy is updated as components are removed and returned. You can also use a barcode scanner to enter the component and the lot and serial number being transacted, improving data entry correctness and speed.
  • You can enter the transact quantity, serial number, and lot number for the material based on the material control setup. The sub-inventory and locator are populated by default based on setup at work order, organization level or item level. However, you can edit the sub-inventory and locator fields. The material transactions can also be reported by using a scanner. The scanner can scan the component number. Based on the material control setup, the scanner can optionally scan the serial and lot numbers.

Here are its capabilities when using a two-step process:

  • Update the asset hierarchy using Install and Remove transactions when using a two-step process. This is for items that are asset-tracked and will be installed into a level in the hierarchy. Else, they will just be consumed by the work order and not require installation.
    • If a Maintenance Technician has the privilege assigned, then they will use the Report Material Transactions page from the Dispatch List results rows to Install items previously issued by Stock Clerk role. You will see the new icon indicating items are pending installation.
    • For components requiring additional reporting, you will use the Complete with Details flow to further report the installation and removal of components from an asset’s hierarchy
    • Any components that have been issued by the Stock Clerk, but are on-hold pending installation, will be recorded by the Technician in the context of an Asset's hierarchy.
    • Additionally, they can remove components, creating return transactions that are also on hold, pending final recording by the Stock Clerk role into a sub-inventory location.
    • Since the Technician role user will not have access to report inventory transactions, the inventory and locator fields are disabled from the details hide / show region.

Returning Materials to Inventory

On the Report Material Transactions page, the materials issued to the work order are returned to inventory by specifying the transaction type as Return. You can control the returning of the materials using the Show components option. The Show components option is set by default based on the setting of the Default Transaction Mode plant parameter. However, you can edit the Show components option per your requirement.

  • When the Show components option is set to All: All the materials issued to the work order for the operation with Push supply type are populated by default.

  • When the Show components option is set to Manually entered: The material requirements as defined on the work order for the operation aren't populated by default and you can enter the required materials manually.

You can choose to restrict which component lot numbers can be selected for a return transaction using the Report Material Transactions page. If the restriction is configured for a maintenance organization, then you can return only lot numbers previously issued using the same maintenance work order operation. Additionally, if you have some users who will need to override the organization-level restriction, you can give them the privilege: WIP_ALLOW_UNTRANSACTED_LOT_RETURN.

Note: The ability to restrict the return of component lot numbers is only available in certain versions of the Report Material Transactions page. The Report Material Transactions page is version-controlled, based upon your Opt-in decisions for the Maintenance Management offerings in the 21A and 21C updates.

Manually Adding Materials for Reporting

You can add materials for the work order operation by clicking the Add icon. A new row is created where you can add the details for the material.

The following are the attributes for manually adding the materials to the work order operation for reporting.




Indicates the status of the entered record.


The component being added for reporting.


The basis type as defined in the work order operation for the component. For the manually added components, the basis is always Variable.


The unit of measure as defined in the component item or the organization item definition.


The required quantity as defined in the maintenance work order for nonserial items. For serial items defined in the work order, the required quantity is 1 for each row and there can be as many rows as the quantity of item is required for the transaction.

Previously Issued

The quantity of the component that's already issued to the work order operation.

To Transact

For nonserial items, this quantity is set to the quantity specified in the Required attribute with minimum as 1. For serial items defined in the work order, this quantity can only be 1.

The default value is controlled by the Organization’s Plant parameter Default Transaction Quantity, as detailed in the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Secondary Quantity

The quantity is based on the item setup:

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to fixed, you enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM, which is automatically converted to the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM based on the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and override the secondary quantity that's defaulted from the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to no default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and enter the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM.

Secondary UOM

The unit of measure as defined in the item setup.

Component Lot Number

The lot number of the component.

Component Serial Number

The serial number of the component.


The revision number of the component. The value is derived from the organization item definition.


Indicates the supply subinventory of the component.


Indicates the supply locator of the component.

Install and Remove Parts from Asset Hierarchy

Issue and return materials in the context of the work order asset's hierarchy using a new hierarchy viewer, which is now displayed below the transaction row table. You can manually navigate through the hierarchy levels, or use the search, to find the exact child asset. When located, you can select the asset and use the action icons in the asset node to either issue and install a new child component, or remove and return the context asset from the hierarchy. Selecting one of these actions automatically creates the respective transaction rows in the table. Additionally, for any child asset node in the hierarchy, you can update its parent asset without creating a specific material transaction using the swap action.