How You Resequence a Maintenance Work Order Operation

As a maintenance manager, you can resequence a subsequent operation to be executed next to avoid waiting for availability of resources or materials for an operation. The resequencing of operations enables you to avoid any time delays in executing work order while continuing to make progress.

Let’s take an example of a work order with 5 operations, 10,20, 30, 40, and 50. Now, you define the operations 20, 30, and 40 as resequenceable operations because these can be executed in any sequence. Operations 10 and 50 are count point operations.

As a maintenance manager, when you report completion of operation 10, all the resequenceable operations 20, 30, and 40 are available in the dispatch list for execution. Let’s assume that materials required to perform operation 20 are unavailable and resources required to perform operation 30 are unavailable. Hence you would like to perform operation 40 next to continue to make progress. To do this, you must invoke the resequence action.

To resequence an operation, follow these steps:

  1. On the Review Dispatch List page, search for the work order that has resequenceable operations. All resequenceable operations are identified with a visual indicator in the dispatch list.
  2. Select the work order operation that you want to resequence. For example, operation 20.
  3. Click theResequence icon besides the work order operation 20. A dialog opens for you to resequence the operation.
  4. Choose an operation that you want the operation to be resequenced as next operation, that’s operation 40.
  5. ClickSave and Close.

On the Review Dispatch List page, the operation 40 is now resequenced as a next operation with execution sequence 2 . Also, the operations are rescheduled automatically in the background so that the operation start, and completion dates are now realigned with the execution sequences.

You can reject, or scrap and also perform inspections on a resequenceable operation like you do to a count point operation.

Note: You can’t use FBDI to perform resequence action while transacting operations.