Create an Item and Build an Item Structure

This topic covers how to create an item and build an item structure. A structure contains information on the parent item, components, and descriptive elements.

  1. In the Product Development work area, create an item using the following steps:

    • From the Tasks panel tab, click Create Item.

    • In the Create Item dialog, select the class in which you want to create items.

      • You can only select an item class for which you have been assigned privileges.
      • When you create an item in a child item class, the attribute values are applied only from the default template for the child class and not from the item class hierarchy.
    • Enter a name for the item and provide a brief description.

      The name and description can be generated automatically by configuring the item class.

    • Select the primary unit of measure for the item.

    • Enter the value for item attributes.

      Attributes and their values appear only if they're configured for the item class. You can use the predefined values or modify them.

    • Click Save and Close.

  2. To copy existing items that you want to use for building the item structure, do the following:

    • From the Tasks panel tab, click Manage Items.

    • Enter a criteria to search for existing items and click Search.

    • In the search results page, select the items you want to add to the item you created. Note that you can use the control key to select multiple items.

    • Click Copy and click Done.

      The items are copied to the clipboard.

  3. To build the item structure using the items you copied, do the following:

    • In the item that you created, click the Structure tab.

    • Click the Paste icon. The items are pasted to the structure.

    • Click Save.

  4. To create a new item and add it to the structure, do the following:

    • In the item that you created, click the Structure tab.

    • Click the Create icon.

    • In the Item Create dialog box, enter the details of the new item.

    • Click Save and Close.

  5. To add an existing item to the structure, do the following:

    • In the item that you created, click the Structure tab.

    • From the Actions menu, click Select and Add.

    • Enter the criteria to search for the existing item and click Add.

    • In the Select and Add dialog box, select the item.

    • Click Apply and Close.