Display Costs in Product Development

The following capabilities are supported for cost rollups. Existing or "historical" items in Cloud Costing may provide costs to Product Development, but the cost rollup functions don't depend on being connected to a deployment of Costing.

Costs in the Costing solution are based on an inventory organization. To support this, Product Development can determine what inventory organization to use, to retrieve costs. This option can be disabled if the company doesn't deploy Costing. By default, the inventory cost organization is the same as the default Product Development organization, which is the Master Organization.

The Material Cost, Overhead Cost, and Total Cost fields are on the General Information page of an item. On a structure - a subassembly or top-level assembly - choose Refresh Cost from the list; this retrieves from Costing the latest costs of all child items and performs the rollup.

Display Costs for a Leaf Item

The Material Cost of an existing item may be retrieved from Costing.

  • If the item had a cost in Costing, the Material Cost of the item in Product Development is Read Only.

  • If an item had no cost in Costing, or it's created in Product Development, its Material Cost may be entered, and it remains an editable field.

  • For a leaf item, Overhead Cost and Total Cost are always Read Only fields.

    Note: The leaf item appears at the end of the entire structure.
  • Let an item be an assembly, which has a user-entered Overhead Cost; should it become a leaf item, its Overhead Cost is no longer displayed.

Display Costs for a Structure

Determining the cost of a structure, or assembly, depends on the completeness of the data on the child items of the top-level item.

  • Material Cost of an assembly is rolled up from the child items. Material Cost is a Read-Only field for an assembly in PD.

  • Overhead Cost for a subassembly or top-level assembly can be entered manually, and it remains an editable field.

  • Let there be a leaf item, which has a user-entered Material Cost; should it become an assembly (top-level or otherwise), its Material Cost is no longer displayed.

  • An assembly's costs may be incomplete because not all of its child items have been assigned costs. To indicate that the assembly cost is incomplete, a warning icon is displayed next to the Total Cost attribute.