Specify Effective Date for Affected Objects

An affected object can become effective on completion of the change order workflow, or on a future date.

Here’s what you need to know about revisions in affected objects.

  • If an object is assigned to multiple change orders, each revision must have different effective dates. For example,

    Revision B resulting from change order B001, can be effective January 1.

    Revision C resulting from change order C001, can be effective January 6.

  • When assigning an affected object to a change order, you select the particular revision that you want to modify, and also enter the new revision for the modified object.
  • The revision you want to modify includes either of the following:
    • Revision that's currently effective. Note that you can't select a revision that's pending approval.

    • Revision that's scheduled to be effective in future and resulting from a change order in the Scheduled status.

Here’s what you need to know about the effective date:

  • The effective date for the modified version must include a date that's in-between the existing effective dates. For example, revision B can be effective January 1 and revision C can be effective January 6. So the modified version can include an effective date January 4.
  • To ensure that item rules run effectively when you update rows in the affected objects table, the application prompts you to save changes to lifecycle phase and effective dates separately.
    Note: On saving the change order after first modifying lifecycle phase and then modifying the effective date, the application prompts you to save lifecycle phase changes before saving effective date. If you first modify effective date, the application prompts you to save effective date changes before saving lifecycle phase changes.
  • When you use the Fill Down, Fill Up, and Fill Selected functions to save effective date changes across multiple rows, the changes are automatically saved separately. So you won't see a validation message if you modify lifecycle phase values immediately after that.