How can I inspect Lot control items?

You can do ad hoc inspection of a lot control item during work in process and inventory inspection. While creating the inspection, enter the lot number of the item.

Note: For a work in process inspection, if there are multiple operations, even if an item is a lot control item, you can enter the lot number only in the last operation. Entering the lot number is optional for a work in process inspection and mandatory for an inventory inspection.

For Work in Process inspections with pre-assigned lot numbers, you can do ad hoc WIP inspection of the:

  • pre-assigned lots against the last operation in a Discrete Work Order

  • pre-assigned lot for any lot-controlled product or by-product against any operation in a Process Work Order

For Work in Process inspections without any pre-assigned lot numbers, you can do ad hoc WIP inspection of the:

  • last operation in a Discrete Work Order

  • any lot-controlled product or by-product against any operation in a Process Work Order