How You Set Up Number Generation

Let's set up a method to generate numbers for a quality issue or action type. Remember that you must either be a Supply Chain Application Administrator or an Application Implementation Consultant to proceed with this task.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. From the Product Management offering click the Quality Issue and Action Management functional area.

  3. The Manage Quality Issue Types and Manage Quality Action Types tasks appear. Select Manage Quality Issue Types.

  4. Select the New button to create a subtype of the existing quality issue type.

  5. Enter field values in the Create Quality Type dialog box.

    • Name: the title that the administrator can see

    • Label: the title the users can see

    • Source: the default source of where the issue came from

    • Object Creation Allowed: set to Yes or No to define if users can see this type in the Create menu

    • Code: an internal unique identifier to the object

    • Description: describes the purpose of this type to the administrator.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    Now that you have successfully created a quality issue type, you can move on to defining a number generation method.

  7. Click the Edit icon to open the Edit Quality Action Type page.

    1. In the Number Generation Method field, select an option to define the method that will appear in the quality issue type.

      • Inherited from the Parent: inherits the method from the parent object.

      • User-defined: lets you, as the user, type in the number you want to, at the time of creation.

      • Sequence-generated: the values appear in a specified sequence defined by the increment. On selecting the Sequence-generated option, enter values for:

        • Prefix: text that automatically appears before the number

        • Suffix: text that automatically appears after the number

        • Starting Number: the number you start with

        • Increment: the number you want to set the increment by

        • Maximum Number of Attempts: the number of attempts the application must attempt to autogenerate a unique number.

          Remember that every time you change the required values, the numbering sequence is reset to start from the starting number. To continue with the next number (before your update in the sequence-generation set up), you must note and enter the next number as the starting number.

    2. Click Save and Close.

After you configure the method to generate the numbers, the quality objects that you create display the numbers based on the type of quality issue or action that you choose.

Note: Manufacturing and Inspections use internal APIs to create exceptions and non-conformances. If you (as the administrator) set respective types to the User-defined or Inherited from parent options, the process of creating them can fail through the internal APIs. So, ensure that you use these settings ONLY for legacy data import - if at all. Oracle recommends to always set them to Sequence-generated.