Inline Inspection: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to do inline sampling inspection for a receiving transaction.

Consider a scenario where you have ordered 30 units of an item from a supplier. You as the "Receiving Agent" want to check only 10 percent of the total units received, and decide if you can accept or reject all the units.


  • Create the required inspection characteristics and characteristic groups (optional).

  • Create an inspection level with sampling set to 10 percent.

  • An inspection plan that:

    • Is in "Approved" status

    • Is valid for the inspection date, that is the inspection date is between the start and end dates of the plan

    • Matches the receiving inspection details %

    • Includes inspection characteristics or characteristic groups or both needed for the inspection

    • Includes the inspection level with sampling set to 10

  • Create a receiving inspection with the inspection plan having 10 % sampling inspection level.

Collecting Inspection Results

  1. Login as the Receiving Agent.

  2. On the Inventory Management page, in the panel drawer, click Inspect Receipts.

  3. On the Inspect Receipts page, you may search with the receipt number. All the items matching the search criteria appears in the list.

  4. Click Inspect. The Inspect Lines page opens.

  5. Select the item and click Enter Quality Results. The Inspect page for the selected receipt number appears.

  6. As 10 percent is the sampling inspection level, you will see three samples randomly selected from the total 30 received units.

  7. Enter inspection results and click Save and Close. The Inspect Lines page opens again with inspection status of line as either accept or reject. That is, if all the samples pass the inspection, then all the 30 received units are accepted. However, even if one sample fails the inspection, all the 30 units are automatically rejected.

  8. Finish inspection of other items and click Submit.

    Note: If you have enabled Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records, only for an inline receiving inspection, you can submit the inspection disposition for approval. An E-Signature page opens where you can view the status of the approval process of the Inspection Disposition.