Types of Inspection Characteristics

You can define item based and non-item based inspection characteristics.

Item Based Inspection Characteristics

You can link item-based inspection characteristics with attribute values in an item class. This enables you to verify if an item meets the required product specifications. The item based inspection characteristics generally have a range of acceptable values or specification limits, as well as target or optimal values.

Non-Item Based Inspection Characteristics

You can define inspection characteristics that aren't mapped to item attribute values. These non-item inspection characteristics can be of type: Number, Character, or Date. You must specify a target value for all of the types, and where applicable, a range or list of valid values as well as a unit of measure.

Note: For a non-item inspection characteristic of type: Character, you can choose not to specify a value set. This enables you to enter free-form text for that characteristic during an inspection. Any result entered for such a characteristic added directly to an inspection or as part of an inspection plan is accepted without an evaluation against specifications, and is recorded for data collection purposes.

You can use the non-item based inspection characteristics for both item and resource related inspections.