Financial Orchestration Tasks

Financial orchestration tasks are generated to document and account for the ownership changes in the financial orchestration flow.

Financial orchestration tasks can be trade events associated with Oracle Cost Management and intercompany invoices.

Trade Events

Trade events are associated with cost management to account for accruing intercompany liability, valuation of in-transit inventory and accounting intercompany cost of goods sold. Trade events also account for the intercompany receivables and intercompany payables when intercompany invoices aren't generated for a financial route.

Intercompany Invoices

For all transactions except nonshippable sales, generation of intercompany invoices is optional. This option can be configured in the documentation and accounting rules. When you select the Intercompany Invoices option on the Create Documentation and Accounting Rule page, the system can generate an intercompany receivables invoice that is associated with receivables, and then generate an intercompany payables invoice that is associated with payables.

Note: For nonshippable sales, you must deselect the Trade Distributions option, and enable Inter Company Invoices on the Create Documentation Accounting Rules page.

When a primary trade route has multiple financial trade routes, the task-generating events are processed in the same sequence as the financial routes.

You can generate the intercompany receivables invoice using the Import Autoinvoice scheduled process. This scheduled process automatically triggers the Update Intercompany Receivables Invoice Import Details request to import the latest invoice data from Receivables and update the financial orchestration tasks.

In some instances, the intercompany invoice is created in Receivables, but not reflected on the Financial Orchestration UI. You can run the scheduled process Update Intercompany Receivables Invoice Import Details manually to update the receivables invoice import status. You must enter the associated Import Autoinvoice Process ID in the Process Details window. To generate intercompany payables invoices you can run the Import Payables Invoices scheduled process.

This table summarizes the parameter information to run the scheduled processes that generate intercompany invoices for financial orchestration flows.

Invoice Scheduled Process Parameter to Set
Accounts Receivable Import Autoinvoice Set the Transaction Source parameter to ORA_Supply Chain Financial Orchestration.
Accounts Payable Import Payables Invoices Set the Source parameter to Supply Chain Financial Flow Orchestration.