Overview of Aggregate Production Plans

As a supply planner, you can simulate various production scenarios interactively for end item assemblies from a viewpoint of critical material and resource availability for manufacturing plants.

You can create production plans, adjust production plans with interactive analysis of critical material and resource requirements, publish production plans, and receive published production plans into supply plans.

The starting point for aggregate production planning is a tactical supply plan. You can create production plans that integrate with a supply plan and focus on a subset of plan organizations, end item assemblies, and near-term weekly time buckets. The demand and supply data comes from the integrated supply plan. The most recent tactical plan data is retrieved when you open a production plan.

You use aggregate bills of resources for end item assemblies to define the critical materials and resources needed to interactively recalculate the plan when there are changes. You can quickly and interactively plan without needing batch processes to recalculate the impact on the consumption of inventory and resources. As you adjust the production plan cell by cell at the finished goods level, these top-level changes automatically use bills of resources to recalculate upstream requirements for shared resources and components. Upstream recalculations factor in total demand, on hand, and scheduled receipts to net components and apply lead time offset. The production plan leverages segments that group manufactured end items sharing critical components and resources loaded in bills of resources.

After the aggregate production plan analysis is complete, you can publish your changed production plan to the tactical supply plan. The weekly firm, make planned orders are used for replanning.