Supplier Capacity Constraint Parameters

For your constrained supply plan, you can establish parameters to determine when supplier capacity starts accumulating and whether purchase orders consume supplier capacity or not.

For these supplier capacity constraints, you can set two attributes in plan options in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, Supplier Capacity Parameters section.

  • Supplier Capacity Accumulation Multiplier

  • Consume supplier capacity with purchase orders

Supplier Capacity Accumulation Multiplier

The Supplier Capacity Accumulation Multiplier attribute determines when supplier capacity starts accumulating. Supplier capacity accumulates from the time bucket corresponding to the item lead time, multiplied by the supplier capacity accumulation multiplier. This attribute is located in plan options in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, Supplier Capacity Parameters section.

For example, you have an item with a 5-day lead time that has a supplier capacity of 20 units per day. If the supplier capacity accumulation multiplier is zero, then capacity is accumulated starting on Day 1. If supplier capacity accumulation multiplier is set to 1, then capacity is accumulated starting on Day 6.

Supplier Capacity Accumulation Multiplier

Consume Supplier Capacity with Purchase Orders

The Consume supplier capacity with purchase orders attribute determines whether purchase orders consume supplier capacity or not. This attribute is located in plan options in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, Supplier Capacity Parameters section.

If you select this option, purchase orders consume supplier capacity. Use this setting when the supplier capacity stated for your supplier is inclusive of any capacity they're going to use for purchase orders you have already placed against the supplier.

If you don't select this option, purchase orders don't consume supplier capacity. Use this setting when the supplier capacity stated for your supplier excludes any commitment they have already made to fulfill existing purchase orders.