Errors in Integrating Innovation Management

This topic lists error messages that you may encounter while integrating Oracle Innovation Management Cloud to external PLM systems, their causes, and actions that may resolve these errors.

The following table lists errors and their possible causes.


Cause and Action

Search errors for Agile PLM items in the Edit Concept page

Cause: Change the Web Services policy assignment to: oracle/wss_saml_bearer_or_username_token_service_policy

Action: Import the Oracle Innovation Management Cloud certificate as a Trusted Certificate. In Enterprise Manager, navigate to WebLogicDomain > Context Menu: Security > Keystore.

  1. Select: OWSM > Keystore

  2. Select Manage.

  3. Select Import.

  4. Select Import as a trusted certificate.

  5. Browse to find the certificate file. Open the certificate file; or, paste the certificate text contents into the space provided.

  6. Click OK.

Repeat for all certificates in the hierarchy up to the Root Certificate Authority.

SOAP Fault code: MustUnderstand

Cause: The Policy Header sent by the client in the SOAP message wasn't understood by the Agile PLM server. An immediate child element of the Header element, with the mustUnderstand attribute set to 1, wasn't understood.

Action: Confirm that the alias used to import the certificate matches the Keystore.Recipient.Alias value.

General security error from WSSecurityEngine: Callback supplied no password for null

Cause: The alias that was used to import the Agile PLM certificate into the Oracle Innovation Management Cloud server keystore doesn't match the value that was configured for Keystore.Recipient.Alias of the WebServices policy.

Action: The alias used to import the Agile PLM certificate into the Oracle Innovation Management server keystore doesn't match the value that was configured for the Keystore.Recipient.Alias of the WebServices policy.

Security error

Cause: The server couldn't process the security token; or, the security token failed validation.

Action: Check the log files for security-related errors. It's possible that the security certificate wasn't imported properly as a trusted certificate; or, within the certification hierarchy, the certification authority from Agile PLM isn't trusted. All the certificates in the hierarchy up to the Root Certificate Authority must be imported as trusted certificates.

The thumbnail image for an Agile PLM item doesn't display when the item is added to a concept structure

Cause: Thumbnails aren't configured in Agile PLM or enabled for the current user.

Action: Confirm that the user account in Oracle Innovation Management Cloud has an identical user account in Agile PLM. Enable thumbnail settings for both Agile PLM and the Agile PLM user account.

The Oracle Innovation Management Web Service Client sends a SOAP Message to the Agile PLM Server, which isn't processed on the server side.

  • Agile Java Client > Server Settings > Preferences > Thumbnail Display > Enable

  • Agile Java Client > Users > [user account] > Preferences > Thumbnails: On

Ensure that each file type used is enabled for AutoVue in Agile PLM.

  • Agile Java Client > System Settings > Viewers and Files > File Association [tab]

An Error occurred in the Applications Unlimited PLM Integration Framework. For example, Item<Item name>.Attribute<attribute ID> not found.

Cause: The requested attribute isn't enabled.

Action: Confirm that every Agile PLM attribute intended to be mapped to a Oracle Innovation Management Cloud attribute has been enabled (for example, Visible is set to Yes). Resolve the issue and try again.