Manage Mapping to Innovation Management

Use the Manage Mapping to Innovation Management task to configure value transformations for handling data across the data formats of Oracle Product Development, and Oracle Innovation Management.

Mapping Sets

Each mapping set per connector template represents a use case that filters the data model of Oracle Innovation Management to fulfill unique scenario requirements.

Note: You can't edit the name of a mapping set, or create a mapping set.

The following table describes the mapping sets associated with the connector templates.

Mapping Set

Use Case


Control entities and type of objects that you can link through the Relationships table


Control entities when converting an item to a concept component

The item can belong to either an external PLM system or Oracle Product Development.


Control entities when converting a concept component to an item


Determine how Designs are linked through the Designs table


Control entities when linking them through to the concept structure


Control entities in the graphical display of concept structure.

View and Edit Entity Mappings

Select a connector and a mapping set to view and edit the entity mappings associated with the mapping set.

Note: You can't add an entity that's absent from the list.
  1. To add an entity to the active mapping set, click the New icon or New option from the Actions menu in the Innovation Management Entity Mappings pane.

  2. To modify the Innovation Management Entity Name, select an entity mapping and click the Edit icon or Edit option from the Actions menu in the Innovation Management Entity Mappings pane.

    You may edit the Entity name in the following use case:

    • Limit the type of objects to be linked through the relationships table or rename the object names to be shown in the list.

    Note: Changing the name incorrectly can result in errors in the data model.
  3. View, add, edit, or delete attributes of the selected entity mapping.

    1. To view entity attributes in the Attribute pane, select an entity mapping from the Innovation Management Entity Mappings pane.

    2. To add attributes from a list predefined per entity, click the New icon or New option from the Actions menu in the Attributes pane.

    3. To edit an attribute, select it and click the Edit icon or Edit option from the Actions menu in the Attributes pane.

The following table describes the attributes you can configure.



Attribute Name

Define the Attribute name as it needs to be used in Oracle Innovation Management.

Select from the list of attributes provided from the data definition in Manage Mapping to External System for the selected entity.

Innovation Management Attribute Name

The name of the attribute as known in Oracle Innovation Management.

Innovation Management Data Type

Value indicating the type of Oracle Innovation Management object attribute: DATE, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LONG, BOOLEAN, DECIMAL, STRING, JBO_NUMBER, JBO_DATE.

Innovation Management Type Length

Value indicating the number of numeric places or characters that you can enter in the field.

Innovation Management Type Scale

Enter the number of digits required after the decimal point (in a numeric field only). This setting must be greater than or equal to zero (0).

From Converter

Select from a list of values detailed in the section Handling Conversions Between Data Types.

To Converter

Select from a list of values detailed in the section Handling Conversions Between Data Types.

Handling Conversions Between Data Types

Use the From Converter and To Converter options for handling conversions between data types in Oracle Innovation Management and an external PLM system.

The following table lists and describes the conversion options.

From and To Converter Values

Converter Descriptions


Converts negative integer values to 0; positive values remain intact.


Converts strings which are numeric into positive integers (see PositiveInteger converter) and nonnumeric strings to 0 (as integer).


Converts strings which are numeric into positive double values (see PositiveInteger converter) and nonnumeric strings to 0 (as double).


Converts strings which are numeric into positive decimal values (see PositiveInteger converter) and nonnumeric strings to 0 (as decimal).


Converts a Boolean true value to yes and a false to no.