Register Agile PLM

This task is a prerequisite for the Manage Target System task to integrate Agile PLM with Oracle Innovation Management.

Note: You must first complete the common application setup and configuration tasks for Product Management in the Setup and Maintenance workspace.

The typical Agile PLM endpoint is {protocol}://{host}:{port}/CoreService/services/{service}?wsdl

The values for protocol, host, port, and context root {CoreService} need to be entered into the corresponding filed for registering the target endpoint in your Cloud application using the Setup and Maintenance workspace.

Use the Register Agile PLM task, as described in the following table, to configure server details of the target system intended for use.



*Server Protocol

Select from the menu options (http or https)

*External Server Host

Enter the Agile PLM system name.

Example: <plmserver>

*External Server Port

Example: 7001

The following table details the Associated Modules and their Context Root Values.


Context Root Value




Enter the SAML web service reference value here that matches the value defined in the file application.xml.
